Zotero as a Selfhosted Web-Based app
by dstillman ·We also support LibreOffice (which Mendeley dropped support for when they switched to a website wrapper), and even our Google Docs integration can be used with a local Zotero library via a local HTTP -
Zotero as a Selfhosted Web-Based app
by DWL-SDCA ·Edit: You commented on MS Office 365. You should know that for years that Zotero is largely compatible with Word 365. Zotero is compatible with Google Docs. Zotero is compatible with LibreOffice Write -
Google Doc to Word
by nipun_shantha ·Is there any method to keep the cited references from Google Docs to MS Word? -
bug avec google doc
by dstillman ·Disable all other browser extensions, reload Google Docs, and try again. -
Convert RMarkdown citations to Word doc
by Taym ·A while back I wrote my thesis usuing RMarkdown and the papaja package and did all reference management using Zotero. It's easy to copy the text of the knit document over to a .docx file but is there -
Can't add citation in GDocs
by dstillman ·If you're sure it's not that, try disabling all your browser extensions (particularly Google Docs Offline) and reload Google Docs, and then try again. -
Google docs citations say "Updating" but never show citation
by dstillman ·If you're sure it's not that, disable all your browser extensions and reload Google Docs, and then try again. -
"Your document is being updated, please wait" in Google Docs
by dstillman ·Restart Zotero, try disabling all your browser extensions, reload Google Docs, and then try again. If it's still not working, restart Zotero again and provide a Debug ID from Zotero for reproducing th -
Google docs citations say "Updating" but never show citation
by Julie.Chrystall ·I am using Google docs on Safari on a mac. -
"Your document is being updated, please wait" in Google Docs
by rb.akc ·When I want to use "add citation" in Goodle Docs, the message "Your document is being updated, please wait" appears, the small red Zotero box opens, but the area where text needs to be written does no -
Error has occured while using extension on Safari
by melisaiputri ·Before it stopped working, I was updating the macOS. But, I didn't do anything on another user account, except for logging in into Zotero and Google account. -
Error has occured while using extension on Safari
by melisaiputri ·Hello, an error has occured while I tried to add/edit citation on Google Docs on Safari. -
in-text citation question
by msholinb ·Oh - using Google Docs. -
problema con google docs
by belensmq7 ·1794427881 -
by dstillman ·Error: Google Docs authentication was cancelled -
by ostythe ·I use Zotero on a Chromebook. When I want to add a citation, I'm asked to connect to my Google account ("Zotero Google Docs Integration wishes to access your Google account"), which I do, then I accep -
Cannot link Zotero to Google Docs
by yuheunk ·2. Open Google Docs -
Problem with adding notes in Google Docs
by sakari_spivey1 ·Whenever I add a note in Google Docs, it says Zotero is experiencing a problem updating the document. The note will replace a note already in the document, or Zotero will add the note without putting -
Porting document with endnotes from Mac word to Google docs
by poettli ·Edit: This is probably not an appropriate resource for this issue because, according to adamsmith's comment below, Google Docs cannot handle endnotes. -
Porting document with endnotes from Mac word to Google docs
by jwilentz ·Any way to do this and keep links to the Zotero endnotes from the word doc?