Please create new threads in these forums for any bug reports or feature requests. Be sure to put "Android" in your thread title so it's clear what you're referring to.
Hi @dstillman Thanks for the hint that there were more people allowed from time to time. Can you tell if there is a chance to recognize when there are more slots? Do I have to put the app on my whishlist (Play Stere / Android User) or how is it distributed?
The developpers have repeatedly said that the only way new slots are announced is here, in this thread. Check back here, and make sure you receive notifications.
Just realized others are also not able to access. Hoping that new spots will open soon? Do we have to have a certain OS to use this app? My BOOX is from 2022.
I've tried the Zotero Beta on Android and I must admit the experience is rather unsatisfying compared with the desktop version. The biggest problem, in my opinion, is the lack of feature to generate citation and bibliography from references stored in the app. Which means that one can use Zotero Beta for adding references into database, but cannot generate citation or bibliography format, and has either to use the desktop version, open Zotero by browser or using ZBib. For me personally, as frequent user of Android tablet for typing (I believe you guys understand how unreliable Windows device is in terms of battery span, particularly for ones in constant journey) this is rather inconvenient. So I hope in the subsequent update you can make the citation/bibliography generating feature available in the app. Thank you.
@Alif_ID: Yes, it will be possible to generate citations and bibliographies in a future version, as I said in the initial post. But reading and annotating are the primary things people want to do on mobile, so that's what we focused on for the initial version (as we did on iOS before, where there are now citation features).
@poettli To answer your question: Yes, I've read it. And that's exactly why I raised it. As stated by @dstillman, the citation feature is already available in every other version of Zotero (Windows, Linux, Mac, even - as stated by @dstillman - iOS), but not Android (yet). And this is the issue in my case. As a frequent user of Android tablet for doing my writing esp. when in journey (I believe you guys know how pathetic the endurance of Windows laptop battery span in comparison with a mobile tablet), the lack of this feature in Zotero app means that in order to generate citation from my Zotero database, I have to either open my Zotero account in Browser or using ZBib - which is so often time-consuming and rather unnecessarily complicated process, and not to mention, making having the app actually rather redundant. And I believe this is a problem not unique to me. That's why I raise the matter in the hope that the citation generator feature can be made available in the next update of the app - which I hope will be soon.
@dstillman maybe a stupid question, but why is there no black underline option? I use yellow for highlighting and the gray is too light and kinda hard to see on a white page .-.
@dstillman Simply wanted to celebrate how awesome the Zotero Android app is, you guys have done great work and it is incredibly useful for organizing my learning and research with an Android tablet! Truly thank you, for making things better for so many people!
I installed the android app to my tablet and no issues except my webpages highlights (which saved through the Desktop browser connector) are not syncing at all.
Also, seems I can't highlight saved webpages from within the android app (no highlight option when selecting a text section)
pdfs files and highlights are syncing fine.
Is highlighting and syncing webpages highlights not implemented yet in the android app ??
I could not get a slot in android app, whenever its beta version was released.
I think, there is functionality of booking in Google Play. Meaning, if I pre-register the app, then the app would get installed automatically upon its release by the developer. You may like to check and offer the same, please.
This is a big thread. How can I get an update on the state of Zotero on android?
I am thinking of getting a Boox or Supernote, but not if can’t use Zotero. As an aside, what are you using instead without Zotero? Is there a workflow that avoids using it on android but still uses an eink tablet? The 13” screen pdf readers would save my eyes.
Hoping it gets released very soon.
It will be more visible for some e-ink devices.
Also, do you have any plans to optimize the Android version for those e-ink devices (e.g., Supernote, Boox, etc.)?
Thanks for the hint that there were more people allowed from time to time. Can you tell if there is a chance to recognize when there are more slots? Do I have to put the app on my whishlist (Play Stere / Android User) or how is it distributed?
really appreciate your work.
quick question,
I installed the android app to my tablet and no issues except my webpages highlights (which saved through the Desktop browser connector) are not syncing at all.
Also, seems I can't highlight saved webpages from within the android app (no highlight option when selecting a text section)
pdfs files and highlights are syncing fine.
Is highlighting and syncing webpages highlights not implemented yet in the android app ??
I could not get a slot in android app, whenever its beta version was released.
I think, there is functionality of booking in Google Play. Meaning, if I pre-register the app, then the app would get installed automatically upon its release by the developer. You may like to check and offer the same, please.
Thanks & regards,
Chandrakant Patel
I am thinking of getting a Boox or Supernote, but not if can’t use Zotero. As an aside, what are you using instead without Zotero? Is there a workflow that avoids using it on android but still uses an eink tablet? The 13” screen pdf readers would save my eyes.