Available for beta testing: Zotero for Android

  • I'm wondering how to access my PDFs that I have connected to my zotero desktop via my Drive. I'm not finding a way to make that happen on the Android beta. Apologies if this is abstract or has been answered but I struggled to find an answer via search.
  • @Seamusuga: The mobile apps only support stored files.
  • We've just pushed an update, beta 76, that fixes a serious bug where in some situations items added to one library could be uploaded to all other libraries. We've only been able to reproduce this by trying to add a file to a group that didn't allow files, but we received one other report of it occurring in another situation.

    If you've been using the app and belong to one or more groups, I'd recommend checking all libraries to make sure any items you added or modified in the Android app weren't uploaded incorrectly.

    Sorry for any trouble this caused.

    (But this does serve as a reminder: this is still a beta app, we've limited the number of testers for a reason, and while we very much want people to test it, we do not recommend using it if you're not in a position to handle and report potentially serious bugs.)
  • Thanks for the efforts so far in bringing Zotero to Android users! Is it possible to see a changelog somewhere?
  • Thanks also from me!

    Is it also possible to see known and reported bugs? I believe it's preferred to report bugs here, not as issues in the github repository, but are reported bugs all recorded as issues or is there another list? In order to avoid reporting the same bugs as new, being able to add further details as well as avoiding issues that are already known.

    Thanks again!
  • edited June 21, 2024
    @jvmachado: We update "What's New" for each new version. As far as I can tell the Play Store only shows the most recent entry and doesn't let you view previous ones, so, I guess, complain to Google about that, since it's ridiculous? But we'll see if there's a way for us to automatically assemble a changelog from the Play Store data.

    @RadialThing: You can just search for "Android" here. We ask people to put that in the thread title when reporting bugs. But as with all Zotero issues, you can always just create a new thread without doing a ton of searching, and we'll point you to an existing thread if it's relevant.
  • @dstillman, I was forced to make a factory reset on my Android device and now Ive lostthe Zotero app!
    Is there anything I can do to regain beta access?

  • Hi, thank for developing the great app! Palm rejection function would be more than welcome. Currently writing with a stylus is difficult due to finger touch recognition.
  • @pablojvarela
    My understanding is that the beta access of apps is linked to your email address which is signed into Google play and not the device, so after a factory reset and sign in with the same email address, I guess you should have the access to zotero beta from "manage apps and devices" menu in Google Play
  • I notice the "Related" property isn't part of the Android experience. As I use this to build and maintain relationships between books and book chapters I find it very useful. It would be great if it could be added to the development plans at some point

    Thanks very much for all the amazing efforts on the Android project. They are all welcomed and valued
  • Hey all, is there any way to sync my stored files to the tablet? I have Syncthing to sync other things, but can't figure out where the Android app expects the files to be. Thanks!
  • @mangelov: The mobile apps support stored files synced by the app via Zotero Storage or WebDAV.
  • @dstillman Where are the settings for WebDAV? I'm using a self-hosted NextCloud instance for WebDAV sync of the desktop app, which works great, but can't see a way to link this in the Android app.
  • edited July 5, 2024
    @mangelov: WebDAV isn't yet supported in the Android app, as noted in the announcement and throughout this thread. I'm just saying you can't somehow put files into the app directly.
  • edited July 5, 2024
    @dstillman: Okay, seems to be a misunderstanding. Thanks for the assist.
  • @dstillman : I see multiple commits for webdav in the repository. Is the implementation complete ? If yes, how can I test it ?
  • @SidMan0605: When WebDAV is available, we will obviously announce it here.
  • I've been trying really hard to centralize my reading of papers and books on a single digital application and it's been really challenging finding software that does it well.

    Thanks to you @dstillman and the Zotero team I finally have a really sleek PDF annotator that synchronizes with my computer.

    I dream of a day where I have seamless networked integration between Zotero, Calibre and LogSeq.

    Keep up the excellent work!
  • Does the annotation account for pressure sensitivity when using a stylus?
  • @RadialThing, @slow500

    I am also interested in Zotero for Boox. The other commerical reference managers (eg Papers, Paperpile) are not likely to support Boox, but it could be possible with Zotero for Android.

    The issue with Zotero (and other reference managers) on Boox is that annotations are extremely slow with severe lag due to the pecularities of the e-ink display. I can't see that Boox will (or can) fix this system wide. It will be up to the apps to support the specific requirements of the Boox devices.

    As @RadialThing notes, there are two ways this support can happen. 1. Use the native NeoReader on Boox, which doesn't suffer issues with excessive lag. I know there are calls to allow external pdf apps on other platforms, but the Zotero devs seem reluctant to support this. 2. Provide a compatibility layer in Zotero to allow it to use Boox native software. Onyx/Boox provide some resources, but I don't know how much plumbing is required to get this working.

    The Boox is already an amazing device for reading papers. If Zotero could nail the annotation aspect, this would really hit a sweet spot.

    Is there some way we can help to get this working?
  • edited July 28, 2024
    disregard the comment, related to pspdf license.
  • I've been using an old version of "zotpad" on an equally old and outdated iPad for years... resisting the desire to purchase a new tablet, literally because there was no android app. I'm super excited like everyone else that has been waiting years for this, so I just went and purchased a new tablet with the confidence there will be an official zotero for android app coming soon.

    Thank you so much to all the developers behind this important project :-)
  • Hello everyone,

    Thank you very much for your hard work !

    The app is already great for me and I didn't encounter any bugs since I started using it exclusively a few weeks ago.

    I just had three suggestions that would make the app near perfect for my use and I wanted to know if they would be implemented in a near future :
    - the possibility to automatically download all attachments in a folder or in a collection for offline use.
    - the possibility to center the pages and specify a fixed zoom so we can better adjust the readability on any device without having to scroll each time we turn a page.
    - the possibility to minimize to a side the floating box for the notetaking options because it's occupying a lot of space on my tablet.

    Anyway, thank you again for this great app and I'm really happy to test it out.
  • Is there any current forecast on when the app will be officially released?
  • edited August 8, 2024
    Wow long overdue! I am still using ZotEZ2 which has been great. Are there any beta testers that is testing on Onyx Boox Note 2? Older version here, but still liking the easy on the eyes eink. Be great if the Zotero Android app work on the Boox and on the new Color Boox devices.

    Nga mihi!

    From New Zealand.
  • Are there any word lookup possibilities implemented in the final version?
    I cannot wait any longer to use the final version on my Android tablet :(
  • hi, the beta is already amazing, very neat in a boox go 10.3.
    i would like to second the petitions of:
    -having the option to edit with an external editor (neoreader is much faster for free-form drawing) (on the other hand highling is much better in zotero-android)
    -having the option to search for text

    maybe its already possible finding where zotero downloads the pdf in the android file system, then open it in neoreader, and save it?

    thanks a lot for this tool!
  • @aonghus The Zoo for Zotero app still works pretty well on boox. The beta Zotero app is far better for a normal android phone, but I do not expect that it will surpass Zoo for Zotero on an e-ink device. Even if boox got the scribble system working for the official app, the annotating experience is not going to compare to boox's native software. Just compare the handwriting experience between onenote, which boox has put effort into, and the native note app. That's about what it will look like, I imagine.

    Boox users are very vocal here, because every one who uses a boox device wants this to happen, but its a pretty niche product. The other brands of android e-ink tablets that could support the app are even smaller use cases. Most people who want to do annotations on a tablet use an iPad I suspect.
  • @Ioannes I am in no way an expert here, but remember someone mentioned that a big part of adapting an app to work with e-ink has to do with tweaking refresh rates with the "video driver". The lag seems to come from trying to update things to frequently and, of course, not being able to. Again, not sure, no expert here, but if that is the case, it might make sense to look into it for all e-ink devices, as a general solution could be find beyond boox (Supernote owner here).
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