Available for beta testing: Zotero for Android

  • Can someone tell me what's the minimum Android version for Zotero Android?
  • @haidar47x it's Android 6(sdk 23).
  • @kwmullet when you download an attachment it will be available offline. It's not saved in a temporary cache, but into an internal apps folder. So it won't be deleted if you did "clear cache" against the app. Also there is no timer in place to delete such attachments if they haven't been used for a while.
  • @Peauline Can you please go to apps settings and turn on debug logging and then try downloading an attachment again and then stopping logging. this should give you the debug id.
    Please create a separate forum post describing the issue again while also mentioning this debug id.
  • @DimaP,

    Your answer that downloaded documents will stick locally when offline is, to me, the best of all possible answers. I'm really looking forward to kicking the tires more on this release. You guys have just made my Boox tablet worth about twice as much!

    Thanks again,
  • edited 6 days ago
    Question: Is there a local cache? If I've downloaded a document in a collection recently, and I'm using Zotero Android offline, would it still be there?
    @kwmullet: Yes, files you open are currently downloaded and stored on device permanently, unless you use one of the options to remove them. We'll probably offer more sophisticated local cache management in a future version.
  • Will early access open for more users anytime soon?
  • @dstillman one question. It's nice to open webpage attachment on Zotero Android, but we can't annotate that webpage like we do on PC. Will that be a planned feature? Thanks.
  • @dstillman
    Zotero (beta 1.0.0-97) webdav has an http configuration option, but it can't connect to a server with http URLs
  • Base directory for attachments in Zotero Android aka Custom location

    Thank you for the work on Zotero Android. I sync my attachments using Syncthing and use for that a custom directory on my PC and on my android phone. I use Zoo for Zotero that allows to point out custom locaiton for attachments. How to do the same in Zotero Android? In Zotero for PC I use base directory for attachments.
  • @atnoir,

    On the remote chance you haven't tried this workaround for needing an annotatable copy of a web page, you could print to PDF, add that to your Zotero entry and annotate that.
  • @dstillman
    The LAN NAS WebDAV address I configured on iPad is, What is the WebDAV address should be configured for Zotero (Android beta 1.0.0-97) , thank you
  • Will there be an option to download my entire library? I mean having the option to directly download all the files and have them updated in the same way as the computer version does? (Without having to open them one by one, I think it would be very convenient for those who have tablets or phones with enough memory). (I do not have access to the beta, I was just wondering abou it)
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