What other citation formats would you like Zotero to generate?

  • edited March 26, 2007
    The Harvard style as described in this link would be appreciated http://www.leeds.ac.uk/library/training/referencing/harvard.htm

    As a natural scientist I would also appreciate it if all the common formats are included, like Science: http://www.sciencemag.org/about/authors/prep/res/refs.dtl and Nature as mentioned above.

    I also think the following resource for LaTeX Style and BiBTeX could be of some help with the biology reference styles:

  • Most people I have spoken to in History have given up on tools like Endnote for generating citations, as it seems too hard to generate the simple Oxford style of footnote citation the discipline uses (author, title, place of publication, year, page). Endnote seems to want to generate a more complex citation style. Would it be possible to deliver it in Zotero?
  • I would also support the calls for MHRA and Harvard
  • Vancouver would be a very high priority!

    Vancouver style (uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals)

    Vancouver, a "numbered" style, follows rules established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors - http://www.icmje.org/. It is also known as: Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.
  • for life sciences and many other tech things
    are essential, as mentioned by others before... also the vancouver style (as mentioned before).
    AND ... for people who want to .CSL their own styles it would be REALLY helpful if there was a quick import .CSL function in zotero. can't be hard to do, but would making trial and error a lot easier...

  • I also would like to see the Vancouver style being supported. Although I am not a programmer I would be willing to help out in any way I can. You can get me at pgiresident at gmail dot com.
  • YAML format for exports.

    For simple things like bibliography items XML is major overkill. it's both hard to read for humans, and hard to parse with any lightweight script.

    YAML format solves both issues.
  • ASA is very close to AAA style and I look forward to its release.

    If you could develop an AAA style as well (spacing / indents are different, for one thing), that'd be great. Otherwise, I'll look forward to the more user-friendly method of customizing citations:

  • I agree with bdarcus that some minor changes can always be made by users themselves on the basis of some general form of citations. Having too many formats packed in zotero for all users would make it very unwieldy. the plugin way to do it would be good.

    Ultimately we intend to offer a utility which makes the process of developing new styles much more user friendly, but for the time being it is a bit more technical than our average user can muster

    I think the priority should be on this utility. It needn't be complicated and in the medium to short-term it would save a lot of time generating the thousands of citation styles requested above. Even something with very basic functionality or capable of tweaking existing styles would be much appreciated as soon as it can be done...
  • Definitely Harvard.

    Or better still make it a priority to allow users develop export styles - and ways to integrate them to wordprocessors, and the users will do all this themselves in no time.

    In the plug-in model for downloading the citation style people work with, as has been suggested by others, is an excellent idea to finist this off.
  • I'd really like to see the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (http://mulr.law.unimelb.edu.au/aglcdl.asp) supported. It's the default citation style for a large number of Australian legal journals.
  • The ACS (American Chemical Society) format. It is used for the 36 journals published by the ACS.
  • Help computer colleagues.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science is
    one of preferred formats for many conferences.
  • Just want to add another request for Bluebook (U.S. legal) citation format. As has been pointed out, there isn't much available--at least in the Mac world--to effectively manage legal citations.

    And as a law student, I've discovered that managing legal citations for law review articles and other more academic legal writings is a MAJOR pain...
  • Cse, definitely.
  • The AMA and ACS styles would be great for Science/Technical/Medical users of Zotero.
  • To all the people patiently waiting for Bluebook, it is coming. I've got a bit of time opening up soon, so should be able to finish it.

    We really need an easy-to-use web-based previewer and tester, though.
  • "We really need an easy-to-use web-based previewer and tester, though."

    Wouldn't a Firefox extension be the nicest way to implement such a tool? It would be very handy to be able to test new CSL-styles using citations within your own Zotero collection.

    I think easy MS Word integration and an extensive collection of output styles are two of the most important features that are still required to start drawing academic users in large numbers away from Endnote/Reference Manager.
  • edited May 3, 2007
    "We really need an easy-to-use web-based previewer and tester, though."

    Wouldn't a Firefox extension be the nicest way to implement such a tool?
    CSL is used outside of Zotero (and will hopefully be adopted more).

    A web-based tool would not only cater to these other users, but could hopefully build a publicly accessible database of styles. I see no reason a web-based tool couldn't make styles which could be tested with Zotero as easily as ones generated through a (non-zotero) firefox plugin.
  • A web-based tool would not only cater to these other users, but could hopefully build a publicly accessible database of styles. I see no reason a web-based tool couldn't make styles which could be tested with Zotero as easily as ones generated through a (non-zotero) firefox plugin.
    Exactly. In fact, my reason for mentioning this is the first proof-of-concept from one of the Zotero developers (Simon) was in fact exactly what I'm asking for. He just hooked up the Javascript formatter to a text field: paste the CSL into it, edit it, and it displays the changes. That could then be easily extended later into a proper interface.

    In any case, the notion of distributed and web-accessible styles is central to my vision of CSL. Having to download and maintain style files in the 21st century is positively archaic.
  • American Anthropological Association (http://www.aaanet.org/pubs/style_guide.pdf) would be helpful for me.
  • I need an in-text version of 'Chicago without bibliography.' See Chicago 15, p. 637. Everything the same as the current Chicago note-based format, but don't force the citation into the note.
  • Just to add my 2 cents to the wishlist, I'm an anthropologist and would therefore be interested in seeing the style used by the journals of the American Anthropological Association. (I may be able to do it myself if I can find the time to figure out how to create Zotero bibliography styles.) Basically, it looks something like this:

    Smith, Deborah
    1999 A Journal Article. American Anthropologist 100(2):305-332.
    2002 A Chapter in a Book. In An Edited Volume. William Jones
    and Maureen Davis, eds. Pp. 129-152. Berkeley: University of California
    2005 A Conference Paper. Presented at the annual meeting of the American
    Anthropological Association, Washington D.C., November 23.
    2006 A Recent Book. New York: Random House.
    Smith, John, ed.
    1997 Another Edited Volume. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
  • I would really like a format that includes the notes field. I just created an entire Zotero library on a particular topic that will be posted to the web in a straight-bibliography form, but I can't find a way to add the Notes field. Now I have to copy and paste each one by hand (ugh!) Adding the notes field would be very useful anytime you are sharing your library with a broad audience who doesn't happen to have Zotero.
  • @jreineke: the citation style language (CSL) Zotero is using has support for annotated styles, and there is one available. It just needs to be added to the database (if it's not already).
  • American Political Science Association

  • I would like to second (third?) the IEEE standard and note that it is widely used in the Computer Science community.
  • Definitely the general scientific format a poster mentioned above. Many, many scholars across a number of disciplines use it, and I think it would be a big hit if you added it. See below.

    Author A, Author B, Author C and Author D. 2007. An example scientific reference. Journal of Zotero Forums 1(2): 3-4.
  • edited June 17, 2007
    I'd like to voice yet another vote for the American Anthropological Association's format.
    It should be fairly simple as they already follow the Chicago Manual 14th ed.:

    "AAA uses The Chicago Manual of Style (14th edition, 1993) and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th edition, 2000). This guide is an outline of style rules basic to our journal editing. Where no rule is present on this list, follow Chicago. "

    Thus the pdf everyone has linked to might be easy to adapt based on the existing Zotero Chicago formats.

    I should add that, because that edition of the Chicago Manual is a bit sparse on how to cite electronic formats, it might be worth looking at some issues of American Anthropologist or American Ethnologist to see how they have handled websites, PDFs, and other electronic media.
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