What other citation formats would you like Zotero to generate?

  • I second the request for an economics format - the American Economic Review would be a good place to start.

    I also support further development of the McGill legal format. There are three broad formats used in legal writing: the Bluebook used in the US, the Commonwealth style and a continental European style (there is a request for the Italian variant in the Special Interests - Law forum). The Canadian (McGill) style is typical of the Commonwealth style, though outside of Canada the style has a wider range of variants. The most well developed in the UK is OSCOLA (from Oxford University). The Modern Law Review (MLR) and Sweet and Maxwell (used for the Law Quarterly Review and a number of other journals) are also good examples. It would be helpful to have a base style that would support development of the variants.

    Specifications for the UK styles listed above:
    OSCOLA: http://denning.law.ox.ac.uk/published/oscola.shtml
    MLR: http://www.modernlawreview.co.uk/submissions.asp
    Sweet & Maxwell: http://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/customer-support/House_Style_Guide_for_Authors_v2.pdf

    Adding anything at all in this direction would be great. I would be interested in helping out, though I am not a programmer.
  • Thanks to Rintze for the ASCE style that I've also had a need for...
    One thing that I believe needs updating is that journal/book titles should be converted from title case to lower case (except first letter). Is this possible?

    Thanks again
  • I want to echo the request for American Antiquity, American Anthropologist, and related styles.

    This needs enhancement to CSL for 1) tabs before and after the date, and 2) omitting the author after the first bibliographic entry if there are more than one references by an author. There is a way to approximate the author omission on subsequent works, but it needs tweaking. AFAICT, there is no way to insert the tabs.
  • @cmbarton: weren't there other existing threads for this?

    I'm unlikely to add anything so specific as tab support to CSL, since it's only really present in word-processors. HTML, for example, has no such thing.

    So the requirements of these kinds of styles aren't that straightforward.
  • Please excuse this showing up in a couple of places, but it was mentioned here and I'm looking for the best place to post it to reach someone developing CSL. It has been raised in another forum, but ended with saying updates are needed to CSL.

    Maybe it is not tab support that is needed. More specifically, it is 1) author(s) aligned to left with a hanging indent if extending over more than a line; 2) date on the next line, indented; 3) remaining bibliographic information needs to have a further hanging indent so that it aligns to the right of the left edge of the date. (below I have to use @@@s for indent because the forum formatting routines left aligns everything

    line1->author(s) ...
    line2->@@@more authors if there are a lot of authors
    line3->@@@date rest of citation ...
    line4->@@@@@@more citation ...

    "more" on line2 and "date" on line 3 should align with each other

    In any case, this Chicago style pertains to the flagship journals in anthropology and archaeology in the US as well as other anthropology/archaeology journals, and reported to apply to journals outside of anthropology too. My colleagues are excited to find out about Zotero but then are unable to use it because of the lack of these styles. These are indeed more complicated than other styles, but finding a way to implement them opens Zotero to an entire social science discipline. If the basic (and complicated) triple indent format can be achieved somehow, the different variants can be worked out pretty rapidly, encompassing a number of journals. Personally, I'd be happy to use one of the existing Zotero styles, but don't think I'll be able to convince the leading journals in this field to switch. The references for these styles have been posted in another forum.

    Any help with this is much appreciated
    Michael Barton
  • I second this motion. I've been asking for input from the Zotero devs since I first came across the problem (Nov 2008), but so far only Bruce d'Arcus has commented, saying that he needs to see some commitment from the Zotero devs before this is going to be fixed in CSL.

    The problems and the current workarounds are described in detail in this thread.

    I, too, am having trouble recommending Zotero to colleagues in anthropology because of this issue.
  • I need the International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics specifications. It is similar but not the same as the AMA style.
  • Is there no way to modify a style already created and save that and apply to your document? That would be ideal...because every time i try and format the CSL and press refresh...it just goes back to what there was before...v frustrating
  • @fa1: on your first post, read this and try again. On the second point, try a search.
  • @mark: is there a trac ticket for this issue? If not, add one.

    On CSL, I recently added inline-block.

    So if the Zotero devs add this, and fix the "bug" on handing of subsequent author entries, then you should be set.

    I'm also open to adding supporting for indenting of blocks (maybe on the group element), but still not clear if that's a good idea, or how best to do it.
  • @cmbarton: I'm moving this to the other thread.
  • How about adding the Council of Biological Editors (CSE, formerly CBE) format? See http://www.councilscienceeditors.org/index.cfm. This is a well-founded generic format that is easily modifiable for specific scientific applications.

    What about incorporating the option to integrate Zotero with RefWorks?

    Thanks for the consideration.

  • @E_Groot: just this morning I pointed another poster to a page that discusses how to request styles. Can you please do that?
  • Could you please add the styles for the European Geosciences Union open access journals?
    Mostly interested in
    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
    Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

    Details on references can be found on

    Thank you very much
  • Can we please close this thread? People aren't paying attention.
  • Closing this thread. See Requesting Styles.
This discussion has been closed.