PDF visible on laptop and in cloud library, "invalid or corrupted" on desktop
by JamieMartin ·I have a PDF of Eloquent JavaScript which I can see on my laptop and in my cloud library on my desktop, but it gives an "invalid or corrupt" error in my local installation of Zotero on my desktop. -
Replace Single Character in Names through JavaScript Batch Editing
by AbeJellinek ·In any case, Tools -> Run JavaScript, run this: -
Slow syncing
by alexa.parousis ·[JavaScript Error: "Transaction timeout, most likely caused by unresolved pending work." {file: "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.sys.mjs" line: 1140}] -
Synch Error: File Cannot be Created
by dstillman ·directory itself isn't necessarily sufficient: [JavaScript Error: "NotAllowedError: Could not move the source file(C:\Users\[…]\AppData\Local\Temp\Zotero\Z9TEQMQT.tmp) to the destination(C:\Zotero\st -
Bug: Zotero Web not showing epub text properly
by haidar47x ·JavaScript: Enabled -
Problème d'extension LibreOffice
by Juliette.gazelle ·[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: temp is null" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/bindings/preferences-mac.xml" line: 1225}] -
Replace Single Character in Names through JavaScript Batch Editing
by kaylar ·I'm looking for assistance replacing a single character in the creator/author names field. I've looked at some examples using other fields but cannot make it work with the name field, especially sing… -
Zotero frozen progress bar in safari google docs
by erin.wall ·@adomasven I have tried this now in chrome and safari, and have tried making a copy of the document to edit citations in (in google docs still), and have restarted everything multiple times, and still -
my zotero is not saving files
by Favour112 ·[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "] -
JS Unfulfilled Best Attachment 7.0.6
by SLFretwell ·Debug ID D1065973352 -
Zotero connector creating entries with seemingly random outcomes
by jorgelagos ·[JavaScript Error: "HTTP request to has timed out after 15000ms"] -
No option to upgrade storage in my storage page?
by fcheslack ·The page, and purchasing storage, requires javascript (including javascript from our third party payment processor) so if it looks like there is empty space where that should be, it may be getting blo -
TypeError: can't access dead object in Zotero-7.0.5_x64_setup
by alex-gao ·[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: can't access dead object" {file: "jar:file:///C:/Users/86138/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/Profiles/mwnhh84n.default/extensions/chartero@volatile.static.xpi!/content/Cha -
Zotero 7.0.5 Issues for both Mac and Windows version
by Dublinking ·[JavaScript Error: "TypeError: t.isCollection is not a function" {file: "jar:file:///Users/king/Library/Application%20Support/Zotero/Profiles/m2bpt2ty.default/extensions/zoterotldr@syt.com.xpi!/chrome -
An error occurred saving with arXiv.org. Attempting to save using Save as Webpage instead.
by dstillman ·[JavaScript Error: "HTTP request to https://export.arxiv.org/oai2?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:arXiv.org:2409.06786 has timed out after 15000ms"] -
Cannot import from PaperPile
by dstillman ·[JavaScript Error: "NotAllowedError: Could not open the file at /Users/[…]/Downloads/Paperpile - Library - 11 Sept.bib" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/fileInterface.js" line: 397}] -
Load cannot be displayed after opening
by dstillman ·[JavaScript Error: "SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified" {file: "resource://zotero/react-dom.js" line: 220}] -
Problems importing from arXiv
by dstillman ·Working here. [JavaScript Error: "HTTP request to https://export.arxiv.org/oai2?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=oai:arXiv.org:1201.5562 has timed out after 15000ms"] -
Content failure to synchronize
by tyx0309 ·[JavaScript Error: "Request timed out"] -
[JavaScript Error: "annotationColor must be a hex color (e.g., '#FF0000')" {file: "chrome://zotero/c
by ranhehh ·[JavaScript Error: "original is undefined" {file: "jar:file:///C:/Users/14570/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/Profiles/qqbz2k8s.default/extensions/zoteropdftranslate@euclpts.com.xpi!/chrome/content/scri