Error report 535029584 when importing a zotero rdf library
by dstillman ·[JavaScript Error: "line.replace is not a function" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/translation/translate_firefox.js line 425 > eval" line: 212}] -
Zotero is damaged and can't be opened
by KellyStephens ·Bin. Some apps and tools, such as AppleScript or JavaScript applications and some legacy tools, modify themselves after signing. These types of apps cannot be opened unless you override the security -
"The document citations are being edited by another Zotero user. Please try again later." message
by jalonso-regalado ·[JavaScript Error: "Invalid proxy %h/%p: TypeError: parts[1].split(...).pop().match(...) is null"] -
by dstillman ·[JavaScript Error: "Error: 'fieldMode' cannot be 1 with 'firstName' property" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/data/creators.js" line: 187}] -
[Zotero 7 Beta] Fast right-clicks opens multiple menus
by mjthoraval ·Debug ID: D1183111434 [JavaScript Error: "Error: An error was thrown inside one of your components, but React doesn't know what it was. This is likely due to browser flakiness. React does its best to -
Right-click menu in Zotero beta 94 remains on screen after clicking elsewhere
by dstillman ·If you go to Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript and run this, what's the result? -
[Zotero 7 Beta] Fast right-clicks opens multiple menus
by mjthoraval ·https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u265723/2qxe3tbq4ugc9dz8j4pc.png [JavaScript Error: "event.target.classList is undefined" {file: "resource://zotero/reader/reader.js" line: 29402}] -
Report ID: 607596854 - Error in automatically adding proxies
by wiill ·When clicking add proxy on a new website, it never is actually added and so every session has the same issue. Here is the javascript error: -
FR: Libre Office embedded into Zotero
by iagogv ·(Maybe through https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten, to use C++ from Javascript) -
Sync Error: Zotero 7 Beta90 - Report ID 1356383553
by someone-Elsie ·[JavaScript Error: "Error 400 for item NZZ9XKB8 in My Library: -
Javascript error for sci-hub ...
by DaringFutures ·I'm trying to use the import wizard for this DOI - https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167297234003 - but get a Javascript application error - see screenshot. -
Empty Trash Bin versus select items in the trash and Delete Permanently
by DWL-SDCA ·After running the JavaScript, I had great success with almost immediately gaining access to the contents of collections after running the script. However, when I updated to beta 91 the collection cont -
Error when inserting new citation first-time after suspend [Report ID: 1087098556]
by untill ·[JavaScript Error: "Error: Service worker (re)started at 2024-06-21 08:50:57 -
Empty Trash Bin versus select items in the trash and Delete Permanently
by dstillman ·When you're potentially able to leave Zotero alone for a while, you can trigger the cleanup manually from Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript just to see how long it takes: -
Help with word ! Report number : 1450465800
by dstillman ·[JavaScript Error: "Commande non disponible : aucun document n'est ouvert. [getDocument:y:\adomas\zotero\word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\document.cpp]"] -
[Zotero 7 Beta] Stolen focus after quickly switching tab
by mjthoraval ·I get the following error at step 4: [JavaScript Error: "group is null" {file: "resource://zotero/reader/reader.js" line: 43094}] -
Kein DOI hinzuzuoder Synchronisierung
by alex_koe ·[JavaScript Error: "No items returned from any translator"] -
ID: 1366581461
by mengdavid56 ·[JavaScript Error: "Error: Service worker (re)started at 2024-06-18 11:11:15 -
After last update Zotero beta 7 mac word connection error
by dstillman ·(Please don't post error logs or debug output here, only Report IDs and Debug IDs. We'll excerpt relevant parts.) [JavaScript Error: "data.query is undefined" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/ser -
file sync error, zotero unable to find file
by dstillman ·One more thing: if you select the attachment item in Zotero and run this from Tools → Developer → Run JavaScript, what's the result?