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Many changes are planned, so there's no need to request specific fields at this time. what a teaser! doi? looking forward
I missed the seventh year anniversary of this thread but will bump it just to note that my Duplicate Items pane has grown to 276 items and is unmanagable as ever due to these papercuts still existing. Besides the two things I noted above, I will ad…
I would still love if this became a reality. I would not be surprised if this is a revenue stream for Mendeley (i.e. altmetric may be paying them for API access), and of course their their prominence in altmetric measures also exposes them to potent…
The replacements for ZotFile (eg Zotmoov) can do most of the same work so in that respect there isn't a big change. Apart from that, this blog post from a few months back is up to date:…
Unrelated but this makes me curious whether they do support this for Mendeley (if they do, that's a case of unfair competition)
FWIW I just had the same question, because a feature of Zotero 6 (as I recall) was either double clicking or right-clicking on "Group libraries" to bring up this option. But perhaps it's not common enough to warrant a separate UI representation in…
Just want to reiterate that book sections do, in fact, have DOIs, and have had them for over ten years now... Really hoping we'll get them in Zotero too and we can finally get rid of that lossy use of the Extra field!
Bumping this — still a papercut in the (lovely) Zotero 7 @bwiernik: Updates to fields are coming in Zotero 5.1. :| ;)
We need more info to help you. What browser are you using? What operating system? What current version of Zotero are you using? Have you checked Getting help?
nice, I can confirm this works now — thank you so much! I think blogposts are the most common form of non-preprint 'posted content' so for now it will work.
I've submitted a request with them. I also wrote a blog post about some simple tips and tricks that make life easier for users of Zotero + reMarkable:
Revisiting this >5 year old thread of mine because it's *still* a papercut I run into every so often. Generalized: an item type change should never lead to losing the DOI...
+1 for DOIs across the board! I keep being hit by the issue that changing the item type of something with a DOI to something that doesn't have a DOI field (e.g. book section) simply removes the DOI. I first reported that issue (and suggested a work…
Is there some way to find out this has been taken notice of? Should I file this somewhere else? Looking over on github it seems translator wizards make the issues there based on threads here so I'll just gently bump this again.
There is no clean solution probably, and I am assuming you don't have a backup. The Zotero RTF scan feature may help you for this particular document Essentially you would save the document as an RTF file and…
@andersculturastudies, I doubt that Parabola rM would be fast enough to run Zotero. FWIW, I bought the rM2 both for its relative openness (I like that I can SSH into it) but also for its gorgeous no-frills UI design. The latter is the reason I'm not…
As another fervent user of a Remarkable 2 and longtime user of Zotero, I think the burden here lies with Remarkable more than with Zotero. For instance, if Remarkable provided proper support and integration for Dropbox and other cloud services (rath…
Little bump. If this indeed a bug, which I believe, is there another place where I should file it? Concrete example: this blog post on the etymology of Zotero: Crossref API output looks like this: { "status…
What a clever feature. Zotero keeps delighting us.
This bit me again today (as it does every few weeks). So, let me spell out the feature request: When dragging an item from one library to another, and Zotero knows they share a history (i.e. one originated as a copy of the other), 1. do not fail s…
What is the desired Spanish phrase, and have you tried using that instead of the English phrase inside the 'extra/aditional' field?
If you can share the URL of the paper it may be possible to help you troubleshoot.
Multiple profiles
No news as far as I know. Here's a duplicate thread (hah) on this issue in which I periodically note how many false positives are littering my 'duplicate items' tab; 230 at last count.
Fair enough. For this case it seems a translator for this specific site is a better way to go then:
Seconding this. Many users have come to rely on Zotero support in WordPress through ZotPress and it would be wonderful if there were a durable solution with stronger community involvement. The plugin developer Katie Seaborn has been wonderful and no…
I would not assume a group whiteboard will continue to exist, so I would either archive it in a more durable image format and just include the image in your document, or archive the whiteboard on the wayback machine and cite it from there (google th…
@SaffatIslam, it sounds like you've sent your professor an editable word document and he either edited some of the Zotero citations directly or saved it in a format that has broken the link between the Zotero citations and your library (this can hap…
In my humble opinion, it is unlikely that you'll find an alternative that solves the particular problems you mention — i.e., PDF and metadata management. If Zotero's translators and Zotfile don't work for you, either you work in fields not widely co…
@ everyone piling on, it's useful to read upthread, try existing solutions mentioned there, and report back if there's something you are still missing. Especially Zotero Night ( should already cover most of you…