



  • So if I want to use WebDAV for sync I can not use groups to organize my files. But my problem is that the sync stops. How do I localize the reason if it is not the warning?
  • It's german, but here it is: Die Gruppe 'maingroup' hat ihr Zotero-Dateispeicherungskontingent ausgeschöpft. Einige Dateien wurden nicht hochgeladen. Andere Zotero-Daten werden weiterhin zum Server synchronisiert. Der Gruppenbesitzer kann …
  • wow, great :) I did not know that you are this far already. I am looking forward to the final version and try to keep patience.
  • right, and the challenge is a real big one, too. It might take years to solve it clean and nicely. That is why I would recommend to split the task. The first one is to avoid importing duplicates. The second one is to deal with existing …
  • Hi, I do not know much about the structure of the zotero-code but it could be possible to customize a saved search as a duplicate-check. 1. Each item should get an additional property “version”. Standard value should be 0. 2. The program sh…
  • Now I can use Zotero, but I don't know if any data is lost...
  • After restarting zotero I tried the Searchphrase "a" first in the normal search --> Found some second in the advanced search "titel" --> Found some third in the advanced search "attachement content" --> found none Clicking outsi…
  • Ah okay. It really is confusing, because the horizontal line was between two child items. The line should not appear, if the file could not me moved to that spot. Changing Order might be a helpful feature though. I have one entry of a book, for…
  • Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. Is there any workarount or hint so far how to do this easier? "My Library" is pretty long. New created entries appear at the top or at the bottom of the list, but my lonesome pdf-file is somewhere in…
  • It seems that I have explained a little confusing. In one entry are several attachements. By double-clicking on the main entry-label zotero opens the first of these attachements. Thats why I (in some cases) like to change the order of these att…
  • I just found out, that they are not gone, but moved in the entry-list. So I have to correct my bug-report to: Drag & drop does not allways move the attachement to the highlighted spot.
  • Until I knew this feature I started to insert new (empty) entries and copied the single file into it. By now I have about 200 entries without any metadata. all with just one pdf-file. How do I use this newly recovered feature on this entries? It …
  • if I knew this earlier it woul haved saved me lots and lots (and mentioned I lots) of time... But it is a really great feature.
  • Many Scientific articles have a DOI-number. It would be a great feature if zotero could search the pfd for this DOI and imports the metadata from the web (this is how I do it manually).
  • This is indeed a serious deficit comparing zotero to other software. As for many ohter tasks Zotero has the better handling I hope there will come such a simple duplicate-search (has not to be as professional as others show it). As you mentione…
  • great. just what I was looking for. A second question of handeling multiple entries concerns drag&drop. When I drag a couple of files from any harddrive-folder I whish to create for each of them a new entry. For now I drag them all in, crea…
  • Hi, its me again. I just saw, that it was already sorted by publication date. I just seem to have problems with the correct date. Sorry for this unnessessary post :) Kevin