hanle multiple entries

before posting in the request-section I want to be sure, that there is no such a function I am searching.

I want to handle several entries at once giving them one tag. I would be much less of work if I simply would mark all entries and then add and type ONCE the tag I would like to add. The same goes for deleting tags which became unessessary.

Greetings, Kevin
  • After adding the entries, you can select them all (shift + left click), and drag and drop them onto an existing tag at the bottom of the left-hand panel.

    I don't know if there is a way to delete a tag from multiple entries.
  • great. just what I was looking for.

    A second question of handeling multiple entries concerns drag&drop. When I drag a couple of files from any harddrive-folder I whish to create for each of them a new entry. For now I drag them all in, create a new entry for each of them and drag every one of them into its own entry. Is there a faster way to do this?
  • If they are pdfs and you are using the 2.0 version you can try right-click --> retrieve metadata. Unfortunately this will only work if Zotero does find metadata, although it has been planned for a while now that when no metadata is found the pdf is just attached to an empty item.
    For formats other than pdfs there is no way to do this in bulk that I know of.
  • Many Scientific articles have a DOI-number. It would be a great feature if zotero could search the pfd for this DOI and imports the metadata from the web (this is how I do it manually).
  • that's exactly what Zotero does when the DOI is on the first couple of pages. If it comes later this would create too many false positives, as frequently DOIs are also cited.
  • if I knew this earlier it woul haved saved me lots and lots (and mentioned I lots) of time...

    But it is a really great feature.
  • Until I knew this feature I started to insert new (empty) entries and copied the single file into it.
    By now I have about 200 entries without any metadata. all with just one pdf-file. How do I use this newly recovered feature on this entries? It seems that I can not use it with files wich are allready in a entry, but I do not know how to drag the file out of the entry to create a new entry from the metadata.

    Hopefully you can follow what I am trying to explain...
  • I do not know how to drag the file out of the entry to create a new entry from the metadata.
    You can do precisely that-- select the PDF file in the middle column and drag it out and into the list of items. When a dark line appears between the entries, let go and the PDF will be independent again and ready for you to search for a new parent.
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