Now available: Zotero 7

  • @sunmuen: You can just install the 64-bit version from the download page. Your data won't be affected.
  • <3 the new polished look, it makes Zotero an easy win for best research paper manager. This was the main thing holding it back IMO.
  • Amazing new design, now also on iOS - what a great job, thank you!!!
  • Estoy tan agradecida por vuestro trabajo, que he cogido el almacenamiento ilimitado.

    Me han surgido dos problemas con Versión Zotero 7. ¿Existe un canal o foro específico para indicarlo? o prefieren que lo pregunte en este?

    Quedo a la espera, gracias!!
  • @MilaRoGuiam
    From the OP:
    Please note: If you run into any problems with Zotero 7, please let us know in a new thread, not this thread. We can't troubleshoot problems in this thread.
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