Batch: Change information of a field for many items
I'm trying to change some information in certain fields of the items stored. Let's see filling out (the same) publication for many items. I wonder if there is an easy way to change them in one shot like a batch or something? Thanks in advance.
In the meantime,
Thanks a lot buddy. btw, do I have to download firefox to use it or I just install it in Zotero like any other add-ons?
@dstillman wrote in 2015 : "Batch editing is the first priority after the new types and fields, FWIW.", i.e. not before Zotero 5.2
* Finish triaging and summarizing ( the current outstanding issues reported to the zotero-bits repository, so Dan has a clear overview of which issues have a clear consensus and can be quickly implemented once we move beyond Zotero 5.0. Some issues still lack a clearly defined need or consensus solution, so feedback on the issues there is welcome (preferably on the issue pages, not the summary page). As @adamsmith said, most of these issues don't actually require CSL changes, or have already been addressed (some of the issues predate CSL 1.0.1).
* Concerning the changes that do require a new CSL release: I'd like to develop a new development process for CSL that is more open, better documented, and is less hands-on for me. In the old days, I did a lot of prep work with e.g. Frank behind the scenes, and we quite heavily relied on the xbiblio-devel mailing list for public discussions. Going forward, I'd like to move discussions away from the mailing list onto GitHub, and start using proposals for non-trivial changes (like those being used for Apple's Swift: There are also some more practical considerations I still haven't figured out yet (e.g. how to best keep a changelog for CSL, how to best make corrections over multiple CSL versions in Git, whether we should create or designate a "headquarters" GitHub repo as a focal point for development, or whether we should just keep using the existing set of repos), determining a proper release schedule [we e.g. need to give downstream CSL processors and tools a heads up before dropping a release], and how to best determine consensus for CSL changes).
Anyway, in short, like @adamsmith I expect that we'll first work with the Zotero devs to implement the changes that don't require CSL changes for one of the post-5.0 releases, and then we'll see where to go from there.
Anyone more familiar with the internals could provide some perspective on current status and if there are any fundamental blockers to get this done? I.e. if there was some non-expert/starting Zotero developer, is this sth that they could take upon?
I don't think there are any blockers as such.
See this discussion: