Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands) should now work.
State Library of Victoria should now work
Syracuase - both the summons and the classic catalog work
Dialnet now works
The eprints requested by clarity users work more or less, depending on the data on the site.
I did some work on eLibrary and it should be out to clients shortly. It is still pretty broken, with only flakey support for many data types, but it's at least pulling basic cite data for basic journal articles again. They don't provide much in the way of structured data, so it's a slog to get anything useful out, and it will still be fragile. Still, please post broken articles so we can slowly get the translator back to full functionality.
I'd like to have Consultor Jurídicos's articles fetched by Zotero (www.conjur.com.br). An example of an article is http://www.conjur.com.br/2013-jan-28/ricardo-almeida-exercicio-advocacia-portugueses-limitado (that's the articles official URL) and that same article is provided in a (nicely) stripped way by adding ?imprimir=1 at the end, like this:
FLI likely won't happen - there's no structured citation data of any type, unfortunately. You can ask if they'd consider implementing something in which case we could do this from the Zotero side.
American Heart Journal, American Journal of Medicine, and hundreds of other Elsevier Health journals now work with PDF (if you have access), abstract, and tags if they're provided.
A couple of years ago someone mentioned Readex databases. Readex continues to make many databases, really great history databases such as Early American Newspapers Series and African American Newspapers. I and a lot of other researchers would be eternally grateful if Zotero could work more seamlessly with Readex products.
Zotero is now only recognizing the DOI on the Medes page. But most references do not include DOI. https://www.medes.com/Public/PublicationsResults.aspx?term=diabetes
FYI: MEDES (MEDicina en ESpañol) is a free bibliographic database that contains more than 80.000 references to spanish biomedical journal articles published in spanish.
A translator for medes is created now. Your version of Zotero will automatically update within 24hs, or you can update manually using the "Update Now" button in the "General" tab of the Zotero preferences. If you're using Standalone, restart Zotero and your browser after updating. Please let us know any errors or inconsistencies.
I second the call for a translator for Readex. Their database of 19th c. US newspapers is the best there is. It indexes hundreds if not thousands of newspapers. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but here is the list of the fully indexed fully searchable newspapers: http://eresources.loc.gov/search~S9?/Yamerica%27s&searchscope=9&SORT=D/Yamerica%27s&searchscope=9&SORT=D&SUBKEY=america%27s/1%2C35%2C35%2CB/eresourceall&FF=Yamerica%27s&searchscope=9&SORT=D&1%2C1%2C
This is a paid site but from the LoC my URL for it is http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/HistArchive/?p_product=EANX&p_theme=ahnp&p_nbid=A68K58GUMTQyNjc5NTAzNC41MDM4MjQ6MToxNToxNDAuMTQ3LjIzNi4yMTM&p_action=timeframes&p_queryname=12&d_hlTerms=&d_customSearchFields=0&d_locations=&d_languages=&d_locations_abbrev=&d_locchecks=&d_dates=&d_datestext=&d_datetype=&d_publication=&d_publicationHistory=&f_lochistory=reset&f_datehistory=reset&d_collections=
I use this source primarily via a public library site.
Cuyahoga County Public Library
Hello. I found a request in the past (2008) for a translator for the Economic & Political Weekly (https://epw.org.in), which is a frequently cited source in India in the social sciences.[1] That has now become https://www.epw.in/.
EPW’s ranks in 2015 in India, Asia and globally, according to the total cites (3 years) indicator are presented below.
● Highest among 37 Indian social science journals and second highest among 187 social science journals ranked in Asia. ● Highest among 38 journals in the category, “Economics, Econometrics and Finance” in the Asia region, and 37th among 881 journals globally. ● Highest among 23 journals in the category, “Sociology and Political Science” in the Asia region, and 17th among 951 journals globally.
For the newspaper itself: ISSN: 0325-0946 Wikidata: Q1507630
I tried to download Zotero and write the script myself, but since I have no experience or knowledge of coding, it was really difficult to move on. Thanks a lot
@flipwared I just added this and it will be available shortly (it takes longer for Wikipedia to pull these in, if that's your interest in this). Clarín is insulted though ;)
@pranesh.prakash I checked out the HTML of EPW and that's actually importing really nicely, not sure it's worth doing anything else there
@adamsmith Thanks a Lot! I wanted it for Wikipedia indeed (actually that's where I took the Newspaper of record thing from too). I hope some day I can write my own translators. LOL about Clarin, you made me laugh
I will try with both!
Will post something next week.
Koninklijke Bibliotheek (National Library of the Netherlands) should now work.
State Library of Victoria should now work
Syracuase - both the summons and the classic catalog work
Dialnet now works
The eprints requested by clarity users work more or less, depending on the data on the site.
(можно и по-русски писать)
Спасибо большое! Со статьями работает.
(it's a Brazilian site, in Brazilian Portuguese [pt-br], and "imprimir" means "to print", so it's a print version)
The hard thing on this one is that sometimes it's an authored article, sometimes not.
I see this was requested back in 2008, but don't see it in the Translator Status list.
MEDES (MEDicina en ESPañol)
Zotero is now only recognizing the DOI on the Medes page. But most references do not include DOI. https://www.medes.com/Public/PublicationsResults.aspx?term=diabetes
FYI: MEDES (MEDicina en ESpañol) is a free bibliographic database that contains more than 80.000 references to spanish biomedical journal articles published in spanish.
Many thanks!
This is a paid site but from the LoC my URL for it is http://infoweb.newsbank.com/iw-search/we/HistArchive/?p_product=EANX&p_theme=ahnp&p_nbid=A68K58GUMTQyNjc5NTAzNC41MDM4MjQ6MToxNToxNDAuMTQ3LjIzNi4yMTM&p_action=timeframes&p_queryname=12&d_hlTerms=&d_customSearchFields=0&d_locations=&d_languages=&d_locations_abbrev=&d_locchecks=&d_dates=&d_datestext=&d_datetype=&d_publication=&d_publicationHistory=&f_lochistory=reset&f_datehistory=reset&d_collections=
I use this source primarily via a public library site.
Cuyahoga County Public Library
I guess the place to start would be www.gesetze-im-internet.de/
thanks for the great work!
Example article links:
1 (PDF): https://www.epw.in/system/files/pdf/2015_50/23/Making_a_Show_The_Black_Money_Bill.pdf
2 (HTML): https://www.epw.in/journal/2020/13/editorials/regulating-private-health-sector-eliminate-covid.html
Currently, this is read as an ordinary website, and even fields such as author, article title, aren't saved correctly.
Each article's webpage has meta-tags that provide relevant data, including abstracts.
Each article also has links to downloadable Bibtex/Endnote/RIS citation files, e.g., https://www.epw.in/bibtex/156681.
[1]: From their website, citing Scopus stats:
EPW’s ranks in 2015 in India, Asia and globally, according to the total cites (3 years) indicator are presented below.
● Highest among 37 Indian social science journals and second highest among 187 social science journals ranked in Asia.
● Highest among 38 journals in the category, “Economics, Econometrics and Finance” in the Asia region, and 37th among 881 journals globally.
● Highest among 23 journals in the category, “Sociology and Political Science” in the Asia region, and 17th among 951 journals globally.
Example URLs:
1) https://www.lanacion.com.ar/economia/polemica-mensajes-gobierno-bordo-vuelos-aerolineas-argentinas-nid2270357
Authors: Alan Soria Guadalupe, María Julieta Rumi
Date: 23 de julio de 2019 -> July 23, 2019
Title: Aerolíneas Argentinas: sancionarán a los pilotos que usan los vuelos para criticar al Gobierno
Language: es-419
2) https://www.lanacion.com.ar/cultura/perla-suez-el-presente-nos-atraviesa-por-mas-que-escribamos-sobre-el-pasado-nid2513592
Author: Natalia Páez
Date: 22 de noviembre de 2020 -> November 22, 2020
Title: Perla Suez. "El presente nos atraviesa por más que escribamos sobre el pasado"
Language: es-419
For the newspaper itself:
ISSN: 0325-0946
Wikidata: Q1507630
I tried to download Zotero and write the script myself, but since I have no experience or knowledge of coding, it was really difficult to move on. Thanks a lot
@pranesh.prakash I checked out the HTML of EPW and that's actually importing really nicely, not sure it's worth doing anything else there