ZoteroBib accessibility
by adamsmith ·(I think zbib accessibility should probably go to a new thread, but for now:) I'm seeing some weird interaction of zbib.org with a screenreader with both Narrator and NVDA and also a number of buttons -
ZoteroBib accessibility
by tnajdek ·allow picking citation style. We generally test accessibility with Voice Over. I'll see if we can improve the text reader feedback and general compatibility with JAWS. -
ZoteroBib accessibility
by terry.huttenlock ·Can you also check your accessibility of the site. This is a great option for students with visual impairments when the Zotero app is just a little overwhelming. I was testing this and trying to wri -
Toggle creator type drop-down menu
by qqbb ·Yes, I meant appear and disappear. This might indeed be a regression. I think there was some work related to the keyboard accessibility. -
emoji tags: Windows + doesnt work...
by bwiernik ·That would be a Windows setting, not a Zotero one. Check your accessibility settings in Windows. -
File accessibility issues report ID: 1064585907
by asun881 ·Hi, currently experiencing 2 issues: -
Zotero and Accessibility
by adamsmith ·Zotero has (I believe -- they were searching and aren't anymore) recently hired an accessibility specialist, so accessibility-related issues should likely improve. -
Zotero and Accessibility
by ephicks ·Please consider making Zotero more accessible for people with hand/wrist issues. I use Talon Voice to control programs, and Zotero is difficult to control because of its reliance on menus, clicking… -
Tabbing through Info fields issue
by mc ·I missed that change for accessibility. Other problems fixed with a new profile. -
Tabbing through Info fields issue
by dstillman ·I'm not sure what you're reporting here? Keyboard access to creator buttons was fixed in 6.0.14. It was an accessibility bug and was fixed. -
Screen Reader accessibility - Keyboard shortcuts
by dstillman ·Apparently there's a plus symbol that needs to be activated but my Jaws doesn't seem to be able to access that. However, I can add more creator fields using the IOS app, and I can choose the type of c -
Screen Reader accessibility - Keyboard shortcuts
by Enth8406 ·I'm a totally blind post-grad student using Jaws screenreader. I also use the IOS Zotero app on my iPhone. Between the two platforms, I find that I can work around most accessibility issues. For insta -
Accessibility: Inline Citations in Word
by dstillman ·We’re working to improve the accessibility of the citation dialog, but for now they’ll want to use the classic citation dialog: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_usage#switching_to_ -
Accessibility: Inline Citations in Word
by rmoore17 ·Hello, -
Citing and Referencing
by dstillman ·@fahim.net.2014: If you're using a screen reader, for now you'll want to enable the classic Add Citation dialog from the Word Processors tab of the Cite pane of the Zotero preferences, which will give -
Text to speech fails on the Ipad / iOS app when enabling “speak selection” from accessibility option
by amrsharaf ·This feature was working before, and I use it a lot. When the “speak selection” option in enabled on the iPad from the settings menu, text to speech doesn’t work on zotero. The only way to get around -
Exposing Zotero UI on MacOS
by dstillman ·It should work as well as it works in Firefox 60 ESR. Firefox 60 didn't support VoiceOver very well, so to the extent that the apps rely on the same macOS accessibility APIs, they might not work that -
[feature request] last viewed page/page history in PDF reader
by adamsmith ·Why do you need this in the GUI? You have a shortcut and a menu entry, so it's mouse and keyboard accessible (and many PDF readers, including Acrobat, don't have this in the GUI). Crowding the GUI has -
making zotero accessible text to speech option?
by dstillman ·Could you say where you're having trouble? The built-in macOS text-to-speech for selected text works in the PDF reader. Make sure System Preferences → Accessibility → Spoken Content → "Speak selection -
Accessibility: Retraction notice
by mweiler1 ·I received a notice in Zotero "An item in your database has been retracted. View item". It is white font on a red banner that spans the whole application. It is between the toolbar and the collection…