by mingxie ·Can anyone help me with the information about the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template or Accessibility Conformance Report? My university require information about the accessibility to install Zot -
Data Exchange between Platforms (Redcap & Zotero)
by rmartin71 ·I am on a project that uses Recap for a scholarly database but because of accessibility limitations to Redcap for most people, we would like to have a file exchange between Redcap and Zotero. -
Keyboard trap (WCAG 2.0, 2.1.2)
by heatherjane7 ·mweiler1 I'm interested in the results of your Zotero accessibility review, and if there are still WCAG 2.0 criteria that are not met (after your fix described above)? -
[Solved] Zotero beta on Mac : Changes to stacked view layout?
by DWL-SDCA ·These are a few of the most problematic issues for me. I've tried closing and restarting Zotero, restarting my Mac, and making tweaks to the accessibility and mouse settings in system preferences. Is -
Window text and font are so large I cannot use Zotero
by dstillman ·But while that line should definitely affect the sizing, the default (with no line) really should work. No one else has reported this, so this is almost certainly some configuration issue on your comp -
Storing pdfs on separate drive
by postsapor ·The problem is that when you install Zotero via flatpak, it limits accessibility to locations outside the home directory. The solution is to grant the permission to access that folder by the flatpak-o -
Import of .nbib files from ERIC.ed.gov needed
by skrowka ·Hello, any update on accessibility to .nbib files exported from ERIC? I still get the error "the selected file is not in the supported format" when I attempt to import even thought the ERIC export pro -
Web library accessibility
Web library accessibility
by dstillman ·This discussion was created from comments split from: Switching an item’s folder in webview. -
Web library accessibility
by mweiler1 ·I realize building accessibility features into web content is a team-based effort, so if you'd like support in ensuring that essential user tasks are working in this regard, let me know and I can cont -
Keyboard functionality (WCAG 2.0, 2.1.1)
by adamsmith ·Yes, the lack of ability to move items between/place them into collections via keyboard is a known accessibility issue (long awaiting attention: https://github.com/zotero/zotero/issues/37 ). -
Keyboard functionality (WCAG 2.0, 2.1.1)
by mweiler1 ·I'm reviewing Zotero to see where it needs some attention to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. I'm looking at Success Criteria 2.1.1 https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/ke -
Keyboard trap (WCAG 2.0, 2.1.2)
by mweiler1 ·I'm reviewing Zotero to see if it is built to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. -
VPAT and Accessibility
by cvnZoterro ·I, too, am hoping that we can see a VPAT for Zotero in the nearer future. My university has had to become quite strict on software accessibility, and there really isn't another platform available to d -
Accessibility in 5.0 Standalone?
by dstillman ·@Carel.Ewald.1: Since that's a specific issue, let's address that in your other thread. -
screen reader accessibility broken
by Carel.Ewald.1 ·Last two updates seem to have caused this issue. Using latest Jaws and word 2007, all works well except when trying to insert in text citation. On the menu's, selecting zotero, then entering on add c… -
Switching back to old version
by tbabinszki ·Safari preferences: Advanced > Accessibility > Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage. -
Switching back to old version
by tbabinszki ·So, I understand that it was written with accessibility in mind, but was it tested with a screen reader? ARIA is used to help screen readers, and voice recognition software. So, no matter how we follo -
Switching back to old version
by tbabinszki ·The site in general definitely shows that lot's of accessibility work went into it. The biggest problem at this point is that the grid is not navigable with the keyboard, which is the core component o -
Switching back to old version
by dstillman ·Could you say more about what parts of the new design are giving you trouble? The new version was designed with accessibility in mind.