Storing pdfs on separate drive
I would like to store pdfs on a different drive than the one running Zotero. However when I configure zotfile to move attachments to this folder, it is not an option. The only options "custom location" offers is on the original drive. Am I missing something or is this not possible? Years ago (if I remember correctly) I had this set-up on Windows 10, but now I am using Linux Mint (and I am a newbie in Linux).
(But for me in Ubuntu 20.04 it's right-click → Add to Bookmarks, not the three-lines menu it shows there.)
You're saying you don't see them under Other Locations in that dialog?
In any case, a mounted drive on Linux has a mount point, and you should be able to choose it like any other path on the system (e.g., in /media or /mnt).