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- zuphilip
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You can try this version of the Citavi translator, which I created for you: https://gist.github.com/zuphilip/5ce5f40ec917635e94a1c70e1d680a0e
Zotero is Open Source and you can see the code changes on Git/Github and could follow there the tags for new releases: https://github.com/zotero/zotero/tags (for the main software component)
Technically I think that the metadata at Crossref or other DOI registries can contain information about relations like isSupplementedBy. However, I have no idea whether that is used by different publishers.
Da musst Du nicht den Zitierstil anpassen. Bei einzelnen Zitationen wird mit APA standardmässig nur der Nachname angezeigt. Einzig bei mehreren Quellen mit demmgleichen Nachnamen und Jahr wird in APA der Vorname als weiteres Unterscheidungsmerkmal h…
I still experience that with Zotero 1.0.0-38 on Android 11.
Ebenfalls Quatsch ist es vom Unternehmen zu behaupten, dass alle deutschen Zitierstile Fußnotenstile sind. Vielmehr dürften hier fachliche Gewohnheiten relevant sein. Wir nutzen teilweise den Zitierstil der Zeitschrift "Deutsche Sprache" als ein Be…
If you start in Wikidata and save items then in Zotero, the QIDs should be already saved with the translator. Moreover, I have written a little JS script to look up Zotero items in Wikidata and save the QIDs back: https://gist.github.com/zuphilip/aa…
Innerhalb der "layout" Gruppe kannst Du mein Schnipsel oben verwenden und den aktuellen Teil bei den Pünktchen einfügen. Falls Du "first" und "subsequent" nicht anders behandeln willst, geht es auch noch etwas einfacher. Beispielsweise in der Art: …
Man kann ein "vgl." als Prefix in eine Zitation setzen, aber bei einem Autor-Jahr-Stil ist dies nicht unbedingt nötig. Es ist auch möglich für eine ganze Zitation (nicht nur einen einzelnen Autor!) Abkürzungen wie "idem" oder "ebenda" zu nutzen. Abe…
Das Makro sollte nur beim Abschnitt "sort" für die Sortierung genutzt werden und nicht zur Anzeige an anderen Stellen. Daher solltest Du keine sichtbare "A" und "Z"-Symbole sehen können.
Continued in 450642.
Have a look at the translation-server repository https://github.com/zotero/translation-server which is a NodeJS approach doing this. (Wikipedia is using a similar approach called Citoid.)
Prinzipiell kannst Du das mit einer Abfrage nach der "position" erreichen und dann die verschiedenen Fälle unterschiedlich behandeln. Beispielsweise folgender Art: ... …
Are you sure that the numbers in Citavi are part of the name of the categories? The import process should only add numbers prefixes but never change existing parts of the category name. According to my experience the order of the categories in Cita…
The only possibility to have a fixed order among the collections in Zotero was to change the numbers in front when importing from Citavi. In the alphabetical order 1 is before 2 etc. and 1.1. is before 1.2. This order should therefore be the one you…
It is crucial to have the attachments in the same directory as the Citavi file to import. Did you already do that? Do you have any further subfolders within the this folder? Maybe our step-by-step instructions for importing from Citavi to Zotero ca…
Wir hatten vor ein paar Jahren einmal ein CSL Webinar (auch auf Deutsch) gemacht und das Video dazu findet man noch auf YouTube. Vielleicht hilft dies prinzipiell schon etwas. Ansonsten gerne auch genauer beschreiben, was nicht wie gewünscht funkti…
This sounds like very good examples. Unfortunately the file is not a backup file ctv6bak but a ctv6 file, which cannot be imported directly to Zotero. Could you create the backup in Citavi and then upload this file for me? See also https://www.zoter…
Every cloud storage where you can easily upload the file, share the link here in the forum and I can then with the link download it again is fine. For example you can use GitHubGist. If the example contains also a knowledge item with carriage return…
I tried to look into some of these reported issues on the Citavi translator: tags from citavi "Wissenselemente" (notes in word of zotero) have not been transferred into zotero notes (text of notes are imported), Yes, I can see that tags from notes …
Okay, thank you for the reaction, and sorry, about the ping (I thought it could be the right thing to not forget about it). I read from your answer, that this change might be fine to try and (at least) there is no ovious reason why not to do it. Tha…
Ping @dstillman.
For refererence I want to give some information here, also the issue might be (hopefully) already long solved: The easiest is to leave the configuration blank. Then the Zotero-OCR plugin will look for some default locations and possiblities for the…
@adamsmith The macro date-sort-date which was used also in APA 7 normal style was outputting the following for the examples above: 1980 1990 2020 i.e. the last entry was maped to nothing which sorts last overall. With the fix in the PR the normal …
Thank you for the confirmation that there is no special APA rule for this behaviour. I just experimented and there seems also to be an unwanted sorting for the normal APA style if we have several entries with the same authors, e.g. currently the fo…
Maybe I should see some check symbols like "✓" but I don't. This is what I see: https://imgur.com/a/mrQUuWI (Windows with Zotero 5.0.97-beta.35+a5902fc46)
Thank you! That works fine for me and I installed a German dictionary now. Apart from the feature itself, I find the command "Check Spelling" in the context menu of the note editor not very intuitive. The first time I click on it, it de-actives the…
I answered you now on GitHub, where we can continue this issue.
Ah, I see. Yes, it makes much more sense with notes created by the new "Add note from Annotations" function in Zotero which includes the relevant citation itself. I have tried it with some of my notes, which I created manually and without any citat…
There is now also a new wiki page with information about how to install pdftoppm: https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/zotero-ocr/wiki/Install-pdftoppm