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- ftr
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Maybe I am blind as I see no reasons given that the forum categories disappeared or or is this a bug ?? Also: When I enter the zotero website I am already logged in, and when I go to this forum within the website I am logged out. At least this is …
I used to put the Zotero DB on a local folder that was mirrored on Google Drive. However, Zotero sometimes became slow (waiting for several seconds after entering of a tag, for instance, in addition to warnings: Zotero does not respond) that I chang…
Ok, it does now. Hope it'll behave friendly in the future.
In the meantime I controlled the ZSA installation which announced that it lacked java when I tried to install the LibreOfiice extension and what do I see ? Inserting a bib entry and creatin a bib list both work. But the wrong error message rema…
You answer helped me solve the question, but in a different way than you proposed. I just did not see the solution. I only deleted the ISBN which is, in fact, identical. This distinguishes the two volumes different during the duplicate control.…
I discovered a way to bypass the problem in general. When several entries with identical titles, authors, etc. exist I add an additional info, like WP for working paper , to the title. This is not very elegant and has to be eliminated for use in a b…
Thanks for the rapid help. I checked the data base integrity, and it remains ok.
What happens if I use the database produced with standaloen with the FF extension ? Any dangers ?
The error message just announced: Infected. And linked to the standalone folder on my pc. After closing the message the zotero.exe file in the standalone folder no longer exists.
The idea is to have the central window with a rapid overview: a column that tells me which of the bib entries are accompanied by their pdf file OR their book in my private library. I think the colour tabs are not the solution I search, but I w…
Thank you for the info. It's a pity, though.
I use Zotfile so I have to look in its forum. Thanks
If you want to use the notes for note tzking and not forget them once written then you need to be able to search in notes. Today, Zotero is an excellent biblio program. But anyone who writes a publication needs a solution for archiving his o…
Due to recent changes in JSTOR, the translator only works when you have access to JSTOR (i.e. you can download articles). You will not see an icon in the URL bar otherwise. I have no subscription to JSTOR. However, in Zotero Standalone (latest …
I support this proposal, as I have the same impression that Zotero slows down with time. In particular, I support the idea of a simple button or option which would limit the dangers when deep diving in a data base that you have nourrished for yea…
My zotero files are in a folder that is backuped by Dropbox. Can this be a reason for slow working ?
Should there be any speed difference for an identical Zotero base between the standalone version and the FF extension ?
The total no of "documents" - I guess item translates into document in French - is slightly above 9,000. I work under Windows 7 prof. Though not using a touchscreen I shall try your hint. Thanks
I resorted to Zotero for FF as I had the impression that the extension got more and more slower. I have more than 3,300 entries, and often I have to wait say ten seconds to show the first Zotero Windows. When I search Zotero often shows a "Ne r…
Thanks for the CSV option which works smoothly. I look to output my tags, too, but don't see them in the csv file. Is this possible, and if so, how ?
Has anything changed since 2011 ? Zotero is an excellent bibliography program, but quite limited when you want to annotate the document the biblio entry refers to ! TIA ftr
Zotero does not distinguish these citations and wants to treat them as duplicate entries. However, I need a separate entry in the data base, such as 1968a and 1968b.
The difficulty comes up when the same author published a text with the same titel in the same year in different journals.
How can I know the number of attached pdfs so that I can see whether all of the pdfs were indexed ?
Aha ! Thanks. If the stats on indexation would be completed by just adding the term of "attachements" it would be more comprehensible. I don't know whether the documentation mentions the difference between OCRd and image PDFs (and how to di…
Thanks, this clarifies the way to do backups and syncing. For the time being I backup with SyncBack to Dropbox. This solves the size limit.
"Restore to Zotero Server" did the trick. Thanks ! But now the overall size of my biblio is too large to get synced. Can I see somewhere the size of the entries, in particular the pdf annexes ?
Debug ID D1484848682. I tried to solve some 260 errors another time , and the second error appeared again. Hopefully you find a way to solve this error. What about simply delete the server-side zotero file because the good one is the on…
Error-Id 1539238497 after having disabled auto syncing and having restarted the pc and zotero. The screenshot shows identical items to sync betwen the local and the distant server (= the majority of errors)…
Would this mean that they come back from the server once I have synced ?