Available for beta testing: Updated reader with EPUB/snapshot support and new annotation types

  • Wow, that's so exciting - that means Zotero could take care of pretty much all my inputs (except video and audio). Congratulations on your recent work, you're really creating something special here!
  • edited September 11, 2023
    What a nice team! I just requested this feature recently, and you already implemented it, that's too fast!
    Hope you can have iPad With Apple Pencil for EPUB files supported soon!
  • When Zotero 7 arrive in current update ?
  • edited September 11, 2023
    Enjoying this new functionality.
    However, I've just noticed that the ePub reader toolbar differs from the PDF toolbar, in that it doesn't have all the tools and specifically the "area select" tool.

    Is this "as designed"?

    I'm running version 7.0.0-beta.39+ecba25be0 (64-bit) on Win10.

  • Hi,

    the epub reader is cool. I could not find a way to enlarge the margins (now it occupies only half of my screen). I can use a bigger character, but the margins stay the same. I have no pen, but while now the pdf reader shows the buttons (as on my iPad) the epub reader does not show them. BTW is it plan an iPad version to annotate epubs? That would be really cool. And since I am here, in the old zotero for iPad, using liquidtext does not work very well (the internal zotero tool is at the end better). I think the main problem is because it takes too long to download files from the library. But the pen support is much better on liquidtext (unless I am doing something wrong)
  • I've just noticed that the ePub reader toolbar differs from the PDF toolbar, in that it doesn't have all the tools and specifically the "area select" tool.

    Is this "as designed"?
    @Lotus49: Yes, many EPUBs reflow, so annotations that depend on a specific layout don't make sense.
  • @dstillman Thanks, I understand how that would be problematic. The functionality we have now with Reader certainly makes it very attractive, and I can always "grab" sections with a Snipping tool.
  • The epub reader is great news. I was wondering if it will support epubs with adobe DRM? Or is it only useful for epubs without drm? I guess most ebooks are still saddled with DRMs even when they are in the epub format.
  • In Zotero 7 (beta), no option to change the font size of text annotations? The default font size is too large for me
  • @ashfamt: You can change the text size by resizing the bounding box. We may add an explicit font-size option in the future.
  • Not sure I was missing something before, but it seems there is a new feature: going with the mouse over a note, the note text is displayed. This is a truly wonderful feature. ...but would it be possible to resize the window so that I can read the full note?
  • QUOTED---
    Not sure I was missing something before, but it seems there is a new feature: going with the mouse over a note, the note text is displayed. This is a truly wonderful feature. ...but would it be possible to resize the window so that I can read the full note?

    This does not happen for me. What version are you on?
  • Sorry, what do you mean? it does not display notes or it displays them correctly? some pdf do not display notes, I think that does not depend on zotero. it works when the note has a link. for some pdfs the note is displayed properly, but for others I can read only a bit. I guess the text is not resized to fit into the pop up window.
  • I downloaded the beta a douple days ago
  • not sure i can paste a screenshot here
  • but i now see the question has been already answered. I cannot resize the box though.
  • Love the native epub reader. Thanks to y'all as always for your great work!
  • These updates sound great! Another reason to love Zotero.

    I would like to +1 the expand margins feature. I currently use the ios version to write annotations by hand and would appreciate and extra 1/2" on pdfs that import with narrow margins.
  • i get a wow moment for this functionality..!
  • I'm playing with 7 on my MacBook, but have 6 for plugins on my Mini. Can't wait for plugin support to get rolling. I use a lot of OCR, citation counts, and file name fixers. Unfortunately, I think a lot of plugin writers hit final versions 2021/2022 with little left to add and might have moved on. Let's hoping they get some renewed life, because 7 has been running much more solid for me, whereas 6 will crash sometimes when adding citations, or completely die on bibliography on certain entries... I'm super ready for 7, because I have a few integrations with other services I'd like to get rolling but I want to land on a single version first.

    Maybe some fine person out there will fork the most popular for 7 if the old dev is gone. ;)

    Great work on 7 BTW. It was a lifesaver many times during 6 issues!
  • This is so great, HTML and ePUB together will cover 99% of my documents. I'm curious if this will make its way into the upcoming Android app release too (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/102102/any-plan-to-make-an-official-app-for-android/p1)? I only saw desktop and iOS mentioned on the original post.
  • There are a number of comments here regarding margin size. I would like to present the problem from another perspective: line width. Lines that are too narrow make text difficult to read and so do lines that are too wide. It is often said that a paragraph of 50-70 characters width is optimal, but whatever it is one thing is certain: paragraph width is important for readability. The epub reader always fits the available width and reflows text (btw, the "Automatically Resize" button isn't removed from the toolbar, although it's useless for epub). The only way to tune line width (while keeping a comfortable font size) is to move the tab to its own window and resize the window. I believe that line width is a more desirable control than margin size, but any of them will improve on the current situation.
  • I think I read somewhere that the new PDF reader on Mac, coming in Zotero 7, would be much faster, and zoom (through the trackpad pinch gesture) would be significantly smoother, but I can't find the reference. Can someone confirm if this is the case?
  • Out of curiosity, will the new annotation types have the ability to add them to an item's note with citations like highlighted text does?
  • I just became aware of Zetero 7 Beta and found the new features really nice!!! Many thanks to the developers!!!

    Still, I would like to give some advice on taking annotations on the PDF reader:
    1. When I right-click a selected text, I hope to make it underlined by clicking the hanging-over buttons, just like highlighting it.
    2. I hope to use command+Z (or ctrl+Z on Windows) to undo my annotations.
    3. Currently, I find the underlines invisible on iPad even if I use the Beta version of Zetero on iPad. Is this normal?

    Thanks again for developing such a wonderful tool!
  • @KyleYoung:

    1) Planned
    2) Planned
    3) Yes
  • edited July 4, 2024
    @dstillman, any plan for underline in iPadOS?
  • edited July 4, 2024
    Great! Thank you for creating such excellent software!
  • Great new features, thanks a lot!
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