"Extract Annotations" Gives Just One Way In-text Citation Style

Extract Annotations option gives just one way in-text citation style. It does not offer Apa 6 citation style. There is a default citation style and there is no option to change it to Apa 6 or to another style. How can we solve it?
  • You can't -- the citation (which is produced by Zotfile, a 3rd party add-on) is intended a placeholder/reminder, not as something you'd actively use to cite.
  • You can edit the format by setting the 'extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.formatAnnotationNote' preference. Open Zotero Preferences, click "Advanced", then "Config Editor". Dismiss the warning screen if one appears. Then, search for extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.formatAnnotationNote and edit it to the format you want.
  • but IIRC significant limits about what you can configure, no?
  • Yes, but I think this particular thing can be configured?
  • edited May 12, 2020
    The way Zotfile extracts annotations can be changed with the preferences extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.* in the Config Editor. You can customize the formatting with extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.format*, see here and here.

    If you want customization beyond these options, you would need to change the Zotfile code. There is an open issue with examples: https://github.com/jlegewie/zotfile/issues/175.
  • edited October 26, 2020
    About qqbb's last post, I am also trying to make the citation appear in APA format. The goal is to have a citation that appears like this: "(Author, Year, p. Page)"
    I tried modifying extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.formatAnnotationNote from the default of

    %(content) (note on p.%(page))


    %(content) (%(author), %(year), p. %(page))

    However, the citation continues to appear as "(Author Year:Page)". This doesn't even match the default format, actually: I would think the default would have produced something like "(note on p.Page)", but it doesn't...it just does ""(Author Year:Page)".

    I'm not sure why it's not accepting this modification. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

    (Similar discussion here: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/72398/how-to-extract-annotation-in-zotfile-with-apa-format)
  • That's modifying how the notes (that you write) gets styled on extraction, not how highlighted text gets styled. The relevant property for highlighted text is extensions.zotfile.pdfExtraction.formatAnnotationHighlight but I'm fairly certain I'm right above and you can't actually customize the citation, which is simply provided by the %(cite) wildcard.
  • edited October 27, 2020
    Try my modified version of Zotfile: zotfile-5.0.16_APA.zip


    see my post on 4th March (my github name is notehound)
  • Thanks @gsummers. I have been using yours--much appreciated! In this case, however, I am looking for a long-term, official option which I can include in a set of instructions that will not be frequently maintained.
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