Changes to fields and item types for Zotero 5.1

  • @emilianoeheyns currently it is problem. For some "important" documents I created subcollection. For example "AWARE method used in", "My citation" etc. But it is not usable in general.
  • At github/citation-style-language/zotero-bits I've added the issue:

    Request CSL exposure of the words prefix e.g. "see, e.g., "; "compare " and relevant change to Zotero. #80.

    In summary, a request to have CSL expose the "see, e.g,. " part in
    (see, e.g., Heidegger 2008, 10-12)
    ... to CSL authors. And for Zotero to handle this.
  • But these would be a feature of the citation then, not of the reference? I think @LiborA like me is looking to establish typed directed connections between references; @LiborA (I think) for chapter/book connections, in my case cites/cited by.
  • edited April 22, 2018
    based on the GitHub page above, I saw Zotero added an original publication date field. I have a question about the in-text citation since many styles require us to include the original publication date. Therefore, I wonder if the original publication date will also be automatically included while I generate a citation via Zotero in Word. Thanks.
  • Zotero did no such thing. The citation style language did. In the meantime, you can entire the original data of publication in Zotero's extra field as
    original-date: 1776
    Whether that information is included in the citation depends on the citation style. You can test it with the Chicago Manual or APA styles, which do include it.
  • @adamsmith just tried with ASA/Chicago, it actually works. Thanks!
  • I also wonder if Zotero is planning to add an abbreviation field since an abbr may be needed for some well-known organizations. or is this something included in CSL?
  • Just curious: when upgrading to the new Zotero version with new fields, will items automatically be populated with data from the Extra field, or will they need to be manually cut and pasted?
  • the recommended Extra syntax (like the original-date I post above) will be auto-migrated, yes.
  • I also would really like to see an abbreviation field. When citing a law for instance, the government ministry is sometimes very long, 11 words long in some cases. It would be helpful to be able to program the abbreviation in the in-text citation and the abbreviation followed by the full name in the bibliography.
  • Report item type is central those who work mainly with grey literature and should not be renamed. Other useful items type to add to the list would be :

    +Technical note
    +Working paper
    + image / photography
    + dataset
    + proposal
  • edited June 10, 2018
    And also making the case for preprint, see It's really important, because of preprint servers, and to give people access to preprints when they may not have journal access due to paywalls.
  • a little suggestion: field "Medium" in type Interview should be "Publication" as in all other types. Changing type from Article to Interview (all interviews are usually classified as articles by "Save to Zotero") leads to loss of Publication info.
  • Definitely not going to map medium and publication; those two are systematically very different, e.g. Medium would be "print" "online" "cd-rom", etc., a publisher would be the actual publisher. Citing interviews is rather a mess: there's no way we could accomodate all the different places they occur (unpublished, TV, radio, podcast, magazine, newspaper...) in a single item type.
    I tend to just cite interviews as a publication of their respective item type, i.e. TV broadcast, newspaper article, etc.
  • Adding fields mapped to CSL container-title and related variables to Interview would be nice though.
  • Hello, it would be very helpful if the field 'call number' is also available in item types case and statute.

    Best regards
  • What are you intending to use those for?
  • RE: Add “Publisher”/publisher and “Publisher Place"

    Please also add "publisher" to websites. Actually, please add publisher to all types. MLA 8 needs the publisher.

    Is the hierarchy thing like the nested containers of MLA 8? Because that would be great. Alternately, perhaps you could provide a bibliography override option within each medium's information. We could write the bibliography the way we need it and click a checkbox saying we want our custom bibliography citation used.
  • Sorry that I didn't go through this entire thread - but where do things stand now with multilingual fields?
  • Something small but practical. a check list of read or unread. since when you have many documents it would be good to know which ones have already been read.

    esp to eng google.
  • Zotero is a wonderful program, it could be even better if there were the following additions:
    - In the "Author" field of the "Book" item type, add the following option: “preface/postface”
    - Add “Magazine” item type for a whole issue of a magazine (useful for special issue on a specific theme)
    - Add “Norm/Standard” item type (Cf. with the following fields:
    Norm-ID/Number (ex : XP X30-901)
    Date (ex : October 2018)
    Title (ex : Économie circulaire — Système de management de projet d'économie circulaire)
    Subtitle (ex : Exigences et lignes directrices)
    Type (ex : Norme française ; application volontaire)
    Norming/Standardization institute (ex : AFNOR)
    and other classical fields
  • The second two are planned. For preface/postface, these are rarely cited, so you should use Cobtributor for them. The specificity of preface versus other minor contributions is a likely too fine grained to be useful for more than a handful of users.
  • Thank you “bwiernik”. I'm looking forward to discover the new release of Zotero.
    In my previous post, I forgot another item to add: “press release”. Is this item also planned?
  • Press release is best handled with Webpage and including "Press release" as the Website type.
  • White papers - seconding earlier entries in this thread (Jan 2018); I too gather a lot of material that is published by organizations - companies, research organizations, NGO's, etc.

    "Report" was suggested as the item type. I've typically used "Document". Its use of "Publisher" rather than "Institution" seemed a better fit for most of the material I collect. That said, I would still advocate for the creation of a "White Paper". That would be more recognizable than the generic "Document". I would add "Series Title" to the fields now in "Document", as some organizations publish multiple reports under a single umbrella.

    What would be very helpful is the ability to have multiple publishers, just as we have multiple authors. Very often, the white papers I collect are the result of a collaboration between multiple organizations (two NGOs, an NGO & a consulting organization, a company and a research organization, etc.) and both should be recognized and credited.

  • I honestly don't see how a whitepaper isn't a report for all practical purposes. It's a semi-formally published document, typically by one or multiple organizations, frequently as part of a larger series of publications.

    We simply can't add item types for every slight variation on a theme and still have a usable and maintainable product.

    As for multiple publishers -- just add them all to the publisher field. Sure, having them listed individually would be nice, but the level of additional work this would entail on both the import and citation style end is just not going to be worth it from a pragmatic point of view.
  • And "Institution" and "Publisher" are for all intents and purposes (and for all purposes when it comes to citations) identical fields
  • I'd like to make a pitch for adding # of Pages (number-of-pages) to the Report item type. Reports in my world are not a range of pages in a longer document, and they are always listed in a bibliography with the number of pages.

    I tried to use the Pages (page) field, but then the label comes out singular. And I know I can add the variable to the Extras field, but that's a bit clunky. Thanks!
  • Adam and bwiernik,

    Thanks for your replies. All reasonable points. I was thinking about it from the front-end user perspective and confess that I hadn't fully considered the implications for back-end citation.

    Full disclosure: I use - and love - Zotero primarily for collecting, organizing and managing published material relevant to my professional work. I appreciate but don't regularly use its incredible power as an author of publications. That makes me an outlier in the core Zotero user population (?), but I am an enthusiastic advocate for expanding the universe of people who use it. It's an outstanding tool - my thanks to everyone involved in creating and maintaining it!
  • Yes, there probably shouldn't be a pages field in reports at all. That should be number of pages instead and we'll almost certainly change it (or add number of pages in addition if there's a strong case for keeping pages [i.e. page range])
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