* Second requests for European websites. A very big Francophone one is persee.fr . I would love to see Zotero support that.
* Second requests for PICA libary catalogs (e.g. http://opc4.kb.nl/IMPLAND=Y/SRT=YOP/LNG=NE/DB=1/ [the Dutch Royal Library], http://cat.ubn.ru.nl/DB=1/ [RU Nijmegen], etc.).
* Second requests for the new ISI Web of Knowledge
* PAO (Periodical Archives Online)
We're also considering using http://ukty-mt.iii.com/iii/encore/app as an alternative to our own catalog whic may help as far as standards are concerned.
I would love to see CNKI, the China National Knowledge Infrastructure. It has a page here: http://www.cnki.net/index.htm
Many universities outside China subscribe to parts of it; in the US that's typically through http://china.eastview.com
CNKI indexes thousands of journals, newspapers, theses, conference proceedings ... everything! It's as if all the various online services that in the West are broken up among various companies and institutions were housed in one place: current issues, back issues (some back to the early 20th century), plus some statistical data. Often, searches and abstracts are available in English, though the articles themselves are mostly in Chinese.
It has publication information, abstracts, and in many cases PDFs and CAJs (a PDF-like format) of articles.
For anyone doing work on China, contemporary or premodern, this is an essential source. And it is what everyone in China uses. Making Zotero work with it would both make it useful to scholars in the West and helpful to researchers in China (which it frankly isn't yet).
I understand someone has already asked for this, but I was wondering if it would be possible to add ScienceDirect (part of Elsevier Science), http://www.sciencedirect.com/
I'm using the Proquest/Chadwyck Healey version of the MLA International Bibliography and as a previous commenter noted back in 2006, the zotero document icon is not appearing in the URL address box.
This version of MLA supports a host of other tools but somehow foils Zotero. Please look into this or tell me what I'm missing. Sincerely, Helen Anderson, U Rochester
Here's another one. The Zotero icon appears in the URL address box for a document in ISI Web of Science's current version, BUT it doesn't appear in the new version of Web of Science which is running concurrently with the old one. The old version is due to go away in January. This is an important and widely used database.
I'd also like to see LibraryThing supported, and from what I can tell it would be fairly straightforward for LT to support OpenURL COINS. I started this thread in LT's "Recommend Site Improvements" forum some of you might like to jump in on:
Sage Publications Journals
(should download PDF snapshot)
EPrints, i.e.:
(should download PDF snapshot)
Title: A Guide to Recorded Music, by Irving Kolodin
Author: [blank]
Place: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, Doran and Co., 1941
Call Number: call number:
Or sometimes they come out worse.
* Second requests for PICA libary catalogs (e.g. http://opc4.kb.nl/IMPLAND=Y/SRT=YOP/LNG=NE/DB=1/ [the Dutch Royal Library], http://cat.ubn.ru.nl/DB=1/ [RU Nijmegen], etc.).
* Second requests for the new ISI Web of Knowledge
* PAO (Periodical Archives Online)
The library catalog is infokat.uky.edu
We're also considering using http://ukty-mt.iii.com/iii/encore/app as an alternative to our own catalog whic may help as far as standards are concerned.
The most important biomed journal site that has not been added is Pubmed Central.
It currently has 330 important biomed journals, most with free text!
Many universities outside China subscribe to parts of it; in the US that's typically through http://china.eastview.com
CNKI indexes thousands of journals, newspapers, theses, conference proceedings ... everything! It's as if all the various online services that in the West are broken up among various companies and institutions were housed in one place: current issues, back issues (some back to the early 20th century), plus some statistical data. Often, searches and abstracts are available in English, though the articles themselves are mostly in Chinese.
It has publication information, abstracts, and in many cases PDFs and CAJs (a PDF-like format) of articles.
For anyone doing work on China, contemporary or premodern, this is an essential source. And it is what everyone in China uses. Making Zotero work with it would both make it useful to scholars in the West and helpful to researchers in China (which it frankly isn't yet).
Energy Citation Database
I know that HAL is already supported.
It would be possible to extend it has subset of HAL
such as
who have the same structure on the level of records,
but where the basic URL is different ?
The complete list of subset is here
NB : to match url there are two chains
thanks for frenchies ! : -)
This version of MLA supports a host of other tools but somehow foils Zotero. Please look into this or tell me what I'm missing. Sincerely, Helen Anderson, U Rochester
Helen Anderson, U Rochester
https://teemu.linneanet.fi/webvoye.htm and
But I do understand that creating translators for Finnish university libraries are propably not that useful to many people. Can I do this myself?
OvidSP (Biosis)
Web of Science
CAB Abstracts
Lexis Nexis
Other UN publications
European Commission websites
including 'Perception' (eg http://www.perceptionweb.com/abstract.cgi?id=p5230)
('Perception does offer a nicely formatted citation, but integrating it with the Zotero reference library would be great!