Doesn't work for me with Zotero 2.1 and FF4... What other information can I provide you with? It's installed but when I press the space bar nothing happens...
Here you go ... I only posted the stuff until the last reference to Quicklook. Let me know if you need the other stuff too. It's just very long and would only fit in something like 5 posts....
zotero(3): Using data directory /Users/greg/Documents/library/Zotero
zotero(3): Opening database 'zotero'
zotero(5): PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE
zotero(3): pdftotext-MacIntel not found -- PDF indexing disabled
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='userdata'
zotero(5): Beginning DB transaction
zotero(3): Beginning Notifier event queue
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='system'
zotero(3): Updating custom tables
zotero(5): DELETE FROM itemTypesCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM fieldsCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM itemTypeFieldsCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM baseFieldMappingsCombined
zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemTypesCombined SELECT itemTypeID, typeName, display, 0 AS custom FROM itemTypes UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, typeName, display, 1 AS custom FROM customItemTypes
zotero(5): INSERT INTO fieldsCombined SELECT fieldID, fieldName, NULL AS label, fieldFormatID, 0 AS custom FROM fields UNION SELECT customFieldID + 10000 AS fieldID, fieldName, label, NULL, 1 AS custom FROM customFields
zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemTypeFieldsCombined SELECT itemTypeID, fieldID, hide, orderIndex FROM itemTypeFields UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, COALESCE(fieldID, customFieldID + 10000) AS fieldID, hide, orderIndex FROM customItemTypeFields
zotero(5): INSERT INTO baseFieldMappingsCombined SELECT itemTypeID, baseFieldID, fieldID FROM baseFieldMappings UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, baseFieldID, customFieldID + 10000 AS fieldID FROM customBaseFieldMappings
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='triggers'
zotero(5): Committing transaction
zotero(3): Resetting Notifier event queue
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='delete'
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema=?
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type string: "translators"
zotero(3): Installed translators are up-to-date with
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='delete'
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema=?
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type string: "styles"
zotero(3): Installed styles are up-to-date with
zotero(3): Opening database 'zotero' for dummy statement
zotero(3): Initializing dummy statement for 'zotero'
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='sync'
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='lastcheck'
zotero(4): Not enough time since last update -- not checking repository
zotero(3): Setting repository check interval to 85795 seconds
zotero(3): Updating custom tables
zotero(5): DELETE FROM itemTypesCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM fieldsCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM itemTypeFieldsCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM baseFieldMappingsCombined
zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemTypesCombined SELECT itemTypeID, typeName, display, 0 AS custom FROM itemTypes UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, typeName, display, 1 AS custom FROM customItemTypes
zotero(5): INSERT INTO fieldsCombined SELECT fieldID, fieldName, NULL AS label, fieldFormatID, 0 AS custom FROM fields UNION SELECT customFieldID + 10000 AS fieldID, fieldName, label, NULL, 1 AS custom FROM customFields
zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemTypeFieldsCombined SELECT itemTypeID, fieldID, hide, orderIndex FROM itemTypeFields UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, COALESCE(fieldID, customFieldID + 10000) AS fieldID, hide, orderIndex FROM customItemTypeFields
zotero(5): INSERT INTO baseFieldMappingsCombined SELECT itemTypeID, baseFieldID, fieldID FROM baseFieldMappings UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, baseFieldID, customFieldID + 10000 AS fieldID FROM customBaseFieldMappings
zotero(3): Initializing Zotero integration pipe at /Users/Shared/.zoteroIntegrationPipe_greg
zotero(3): Integration HTTP server listening on
zotero(3): Not enabling Z(ot)eroconf
zotero(5): Beginning DB transaction
zotero(3): Beginning Notifier event queue
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='syncdeletelog'
zotero(5): Committing transaction
zotero(3): Resetting Notifier event queue
zotero(4): Registering observer for all types in notifier with hash 8B'
zotero(4): Registering observer for all types in notifier with hash GG'
zotero(3): Registering URIContentListener
zotero(5): SELECT * FROM proxies
zotero(5): SELECT hostname FROM proxyHosts WHERE proxyID = ? ORDER BY hostname
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 1
zotero(5): SELECT hostname FROM proxyHosts WHERE proxyID = ? ORDER BY hostname
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 2
zotero(5): SELECT hostname FROM proxyHosts WHERE proxyID = ? ORDER BY hostname
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 3
zotero(5): SELECT hostname FROM proxyHosts WHERE proxyID = ? ORDER BY hostname
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 4
zotero(3): Initialized in 203 ms
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(4): Registering observer for [collection,search,share,group,bucket] in notifier with hash gx'
zotero(5): SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name, custom FROM itemTypesCombined WHERE display=2
zotero(5): SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name, custom FROM itemTypesCombined
zotero(5): SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name, custom FROM itemTypesCombined WHERE display=1
zotero(3): Removing key key_openAddons with accesskey A
zotero(3): Removing key key_redo with accesskey Z
zotero(3): Removing key key_undoCloseWindow with accesskey N
Greg: You can set the debug level to 3 to reduce the amount of output.
Here is a log from my copy of ZoteroQuickLook initializing. So you do not get the last line about the location of the perl script? Do you get any errors in Javascript error console?
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): This is Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook finished init
-- It is possible that there are a coupld of lines here --
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook perl script location set to /Users/mronkko/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/86yxhxr7.betatest/extensions/
Yes, I don't get the line about the location of the perl script! The Javascript error console shows some error but they are not connected to a certain website (like amazon)...
By the way, is there another way to start quicklook than the spacebar? I am just wondering because in FF4 another plugin only works when I go through the context menu and not the plugin-button.
Here is the output. I also tried to look at an attachment using quicklook.
(calling "QuickLook" from the context menu doesn't make a different and the option sometimes seems to disappear from the context menu)
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook detected Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook imported AddonManager
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is inside callback
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook opening viewer
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook calling a shell command: /usr/bin/perl null /Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Bound et al_2009_Playing the Admissions Game.pdf
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is killing quicklook viewer.
The reason that it does not work for you Greg is that the firefox plugin cannot for one reason or another determine the location of the perl script that is used to launch QuickLook. (The perl script is a workaround to a file name bug in Firefox)
The script seems to crash on line 48 in zoteroquicklook.js
Zotero.debug("ZoteroQuickLook is inside callback",3);
I just checked again and cleared the log before I tried using quicklook again. I got this error message which I disregarded because I thought it's not connected.
Error: uncaught exception: TypeError: window.gBrowser is null
I checked that the bug that created the need for the perl script in ZoteroQuickLook has been fixed by Mozilla (see
What I will do is that I will eliminate the use of the perl script if ZoteroQuickLook is used with Forefox 4. This should fix Gregs issue. There is no need for further reports on this problem.
It might take a couple of days for the next version, since there are a lot of things going on at work currently.
Here is the output... Let me know if you need something else...
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook detected Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook imported AddonManager
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is inside callback
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook got resource URI
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook opening viewer
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook calling a shell command: /usr/bin/qlmanage -p /Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Bound et al_2009_Playing the Admissions Game.pdf
Testing Quick Look preview with files:
/Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Bound et al_2009_Playing the Admissions Game.pdf
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is killing quicklook viewer.
Thanks. This was helpful. The problem that you are facing is not solved, but I know now more accurately where it is. Also it seems that the workaround that I coded for your problem seems to be working for you.
Greg: To further troubleshoot your issue, can you evaluate the following to pieces of code with firefox.
Steps to do this are 1) Choose Tools -> Error Console from the menu 2) Copy-paste the code to the text field labeled "code" on top of the Error Console window 3) Click execute 4) Report what happens
You should get a dialog showing a path for both of these codes. The first is the path to ZoteroQuickLook and second to Zotero.
start code 1
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); var addonLocation; AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function (addon) { addonLocation = addon.getResourceURI("settings.txt").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file.path; alert(addonLocation); });
end code 1
start code 2
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); var addonLocation; AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function (addon) { addonLocation = addon.getResourceURI("settings.txt").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file.path; alert(addonLocation); });
Can you post the contents of the following two folders inside your firefox profile. You can get the full path from the first command that you tested earlier. (E.g. use ls command in the terminanl)
I had to use the fix described there (i.e. unzip Below is the list of files and folders from /Users/greg/.../extensions/.
/Users/greg/.../extensions/ did not exists. So I also unziped and deleted the .xpi file. After that I created the debug output again. It's also below. Maybe that is helpful....
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook detected Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook imported AddonManager
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is inside callback
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook got resource URI
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook perl script location set to /Users/greg/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/7q59wop5.default/extensions/
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook finished init
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook opening viewer
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook calling a shell command: /usr/bin/qlmanage -p /Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Buchmann_DiPrete_2006_The Growing Female Advantage in College Completion.pdf
Testing Quick Look preview with files:
/Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Buchmann_DiPrete_2006_The Growing Female Advantage in College Completion.pdf
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is killing quicklook viewer.
Thanks for reporting this bug. I will look into it when I have some spare time. I am myself still on the stable version, so have not tested with Zotero as a tab.
The quicklook is used through qlmanage command and it does not have an option to set the window size, so the answer to your question about wundow size is no.
Thx for your fine work :-)
I tested your 1.1beta and its working.
ff 3.6.12
zotero 2.1b3.r7323
Ubuntu 10.04, FF 3.6.12, Zotero 2.0.9, gloobus-preview 0.4.5
Thanks for the great plugin!
Just launch Firefox and post what you get.
zotero(3): Using data directory /Users/greg/Documents/library/Zotero
zotero(3): Opening database 'zotero'
zotero(5): PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE
zotero(3): pdftotext-MacIntel not found -- PDF indexing disabled
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='userdata'
zotero(5): Beginning DB transaction
zotero(3): Beginning Notifier event queue
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='system'
zotero(3): Updating custom tables
zotero(5): DELETE FROM itemTypesCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM fieldsCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM itemTypeFieldsCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM baseFieldMappingsCombined
zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemTypesCombined SELECT itemTypeID, typeName, display, 0 AS custom FROM itemTypes UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, typeName, display, 1 AS custom FROM customItemTypes
zotero(5): INSERT INTO fieldsCombined SELECT fieldID, fieldName, NULL AS label, fieldFormatID, 0 AS custom FROM fields UNION SELECT customFieldID + 10000 AS fieldID, fieldName, label, NULL, 1 AS custom FROM customFields
zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemTypeFieldsCombined SELECT itemTypeID, fieldID, hide, orderIndex FROM itemTypeFields UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, COALESCE(fieldID, customFieldID + 10000) AS fieldID, hide, orderIndex FROM customItemTypeFields
zotero(5): INSERT INTO baseFieldMappingsCombined SELECT itemTypeID, baseFieldID, fieldID FROM baseFieldMappings UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, baseFieldID, customFieldID + 10000 AS fieldID FROM customBaseFieldMappings
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='triggers'
zotero(5): Committing transaction
zotero(3): Resetting Notifier event queue
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='delete'
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema=?
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type string: "translators"
zotero(3): Installed translators are up-to-date with
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='delete'
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema=?
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type string: "styles"
zotero(3): Installed styles are up-to-date with
zotero(3): Opening database 'zotero' for dummy statement
zotero(3): Initializing dummy statement for 'zotero'
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='sync'
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='lastcheck'
zotero(4): Not enough time since last update -- not checking repository
zotero(3): Setting repository check interval to 85795 seconds
zotero(3): Updating custom tables
zotero(5): DELETE FROM itemTypesCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM fieldsCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM itemTypeFieldsCombined
zotero(5): DELETE FROM baseFieldMappingsCombined
zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemTypesCombined SELECT itemTypeID, typeName, display, 0 AS custom FROM itemTypes UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, typeName, display, 1 AS custom FROM customItemTypes
zotero(5): INSERT INTO fieldsCombined SELECT fieldID, fieldName, NULL AS label, fieldFormatID, 0 AS custom FROM fields UNION SELECT customFieldID + 10000 AS fieldID, fieldName, label, NULL, 1 AS custom FROM customFields
zotero(5): INSERT INTO itemTypeFieldsCombined SELECT itemTypeID, fieldID, hide, orderIndex FROM itemTypeFields UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, COALESCE(fieldID, customFieldID + 10000) AS fieldID, hide, orderIndex FROM customItemTypeFields
zotero(5): INSERT INTO baseFieldMappingsCombined SELECT itemTypeID, baseFieldID, fieldID FROM baseFieldMappings UNION SELECT customItemTypeID + 10000 AS itemTypeID, baseFieldID, customFieldID + 10000 AS fieldID FROM customBaseFieldMappings
zotero(3): Initializing Zotero integration pipe at /Users/Shared/.zoteroIntegrationPipe_greg
zotero(3): Integration HTTP server listening on
zotero(3): Not enabling Z(ot)eroconf
zotero(5): Beginning DB transaction
zotero(3): Beginning Notifier event queue
zotero(5): SELECT version FROM version WHERE schema='syncdeletelog'
zotero(5): Committing transaction
zotero(3): Resetting Notifier event queue
zotero(4): Registering observer for all types in notifier with hash 8B'
zotero(4): Registering observer for all types in notifier with hash GG'
zotero(3): Registering URIContentListener
zotero(5): SELECT * FROM proxies
zotero(5): SELECT hostname FROM proxyHosts WHERE proxyID = ? ORDER BY hostname
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 1
zotero(5): SELECT hostname FROM proxyHosts WHERE proxyID = ? ORDER BY hostname
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 2
zotero(5): SELECT hostname FROM proxyHosts WHERE proxyID = ? ORDER BY hostname
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 3
zotero(5): SELECT hostname FROM proxyHosts WHERE proxyID = ? ORDER BY hostname
zotero(5): Binding parameter 1 of type int: 4
zotero(3): Initialized in 203 ms
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(4): Registering observer for [collection,search,share,group,bucket] in notifier with hash gx'
zotero(5): SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name, custom FROM itemTypesCombined WHERE display=2
zotero(5): SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name, custom FROM itemTypesCombined
zotero(5): SELECT itemTypeID AS id, typeName AS name, custom FROM itemTypesCombined WHERE display=1
zotero(3): Removing key key_openAddons with accesskey A
zotero(3): Removing key key_redo with accesskey Z
zotero(3): Removing key key_undoCloseWindow with accesskey N
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): This is Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook finished init
Here is a log from my copy of ZoteroQuickLook initializing. So you do not get the last line about the location of the perl script? Do you get any errors in Javascript error console?
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): This is Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook finished init
-- It is possible that there are a coupld of lines here --
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook perl script location set to /Users/mronkko/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/86yxhxr7.betatest/extensions/
By the way, is there another way to start quicklook than the spacebar? I am just wondering because in FF4 another plugin only works when I go through the context menu and not the plugin-button.
Can you run this version with debug on and post all debug lines that start with ZoteroQuickLook
You can start QuickLook by right clicking on any attachment and choosing "QuickLook" from the context menu.
(calling "QuickLook" from the context menu doesn't make a different and the option sometimes seems to disappear from the context menu)
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook detected Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook imported AddonManager
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is inside callback
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook opening viewer
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook calling a shell command: /usr/bin/perl null /Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Bound et al_2009_Playing the Admissions Game.pdf
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is killing quicklook viewer.
The script seems to crash on line 48 in zoteroquicklook.js
Zotero.debug("ZoteroQuickLook is inside callback",3);
Zotero.ZoteroQuickLook.scriptLocation = addon.getResourceURI("chrome/content/").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file.path;
Zotero.debug("ZoteroQuickLook perl script location set to " + Zotero.ZoteroQuickLook.scriptLocation,3);
Are you sure that there are no javascript errors in the Javascript error console or the debug output? There should be an error message.
I just checked again and cleared the log before I tried using quicklook again. I got this error message which I disregarded because I thought it's not connected.
Error: uncaught exception: TypeError: window.gBrowser is null
Is that the error message?
I checked that the bug that created the need for the perl script in ZoteroQuickLook has been fixed by Mozilla (see
What I will do is that I will eliminate the use of the perl script if ZoteroQuickLook is used with Forefox 4. This should fix Gregs issue. There is no need for further reports on this problem.
It might take a couple of days for the next version, since there are a lot of things going on at work currently.
Greg: can you test this version and post what debug info you get when you launch firefox.
ps: let me know if the debug output is still helpful for you in which case I will post it...
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook detected Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook imported AddonManager
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is inside callback
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook got resource URI
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook opening viewer
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook calling a shell command: /usr/bin/qlmanage -p /Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Bound et al_2009_Playing the Admissions Game.pdf
Testing Quick Look preview with files:
/Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Bound et al_2009_Playing the Admissions Game.pdf
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is killing quicklook viewer.
Steps to do this are
1) Choose Tools -> Error Console from the menu
2) Copy-paste the code to the text field labeled "code" on top of the Error Console window
3) Click execute
4) Report what happens
You should get a dialog showing a path for both of these codes. The first is the path to ZoteroQuickLook and second to Zotero.
start code 1
var addonLocation;
AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function (addon) {
addonLocation = addon.getResourceURI("settings.txt").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file.path;
end code 1
start code 2
var addonLocation;
AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function (addon) {
addonLocation = addon.getResourceURI("settings.txt").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file.path;
end code 2
Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); var addonLocation; AddonManager.getAddonByID("", function (addon) { addonLocation = addon.getResourceURI("settings.txt").QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileURL).file.path; alert(addonLocation); });
For the second part, I don't get an error or warning message. A 'Javascript Application' popup appears saying "Users/greg/ .... /settings.txt"
(E.g. use ls command in the terminanl)
This is to check that ZoteroQuickLook does not suffer from the same problem as Zotero. (See
/Users/greg/.../extensions/ did not exists. So I also unziped and deleted the .xpi file. After that I created the debug output again. It's also below. Maybe that is helpful....
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loading
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook loaded
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook starts init
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook detected Firefox 4
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook imported AddonManager
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is inside callback
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook got resource URI
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook perl script location set to /Users/greg/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/7q59wop5.default/extensions/
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook finished init
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook opening viewer
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook calling a shell command: /usr/bin/qlmanage -p /Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Buchmann_DiPrete_2006_The Growing Female Advantage in College Completion.pdf
Testing Quick Look preview with files:
/Users/greg/Documents/Literatur/Buchmann_DiPrete_2006_The Growing Female Advantage in College Completion.pdf
zotero(3): ZoteroQuickLook is killing quicklook viewer.
CONTENT OF /Users/greg/.../extensions/
drwxr-xr-x@ 7 greg staff 238 Nov 2 19:05
drwxr-xr-x@ 7 greg staff 238 Jan 26 2010
drwxr-xr-x@ 8 greg staff 272 Feb 3 2010
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 greg staff 170 Sep 27 15:19
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 greg staff 204 Jun 5 12:09 firemath@claas.bontus
drwxr-xr-x@ 7 greg staff 238 Apr 7 2010
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 greg staff 204 Jan 29 2010
drwxr-xr-x@ 8 greg staff 272 Feb 19 2010
drwxr-xr-x@ 9 greg staff 306 Dec 4 2009
drwxr-xr-x@ 8 greg staff 272 May 31 09:14
-rw-r--r--@ 1 greg staff 14565 Nov 13 13:27
drwx------@ 18 greg staff 612 Nov 12 09:33
drwxr-xr-x@ 10 greg staff 340 Nov 2 19:05
-rw-------@ 1 greg staff 8505 Nov 16 15:19
-rw-r--r--@ 1 greg staff 17921 Nov 13 13:27
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 greg staff 204 Aug 14 04:47 {20068ab2-1901-4140-9f3c-81207d4dacc4}
drwxr-xr-x@ 19 greg staff 646 Jul 12 12:39 {75739dec-72db-4020-aa9a-6afa6744759b}
drwxr-xr-x@ 10 greg staff 340 Dec 23 2009 {896b34a4-c83f-4ea7-8ef0-51ed7220ac94}
drwxr-xr-x@ 8 greg staff 272 Oct 13 11:02 {D4DD63FA-01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}
drwxr-xr-x@ 8 greg staff 272 Oct 26 21:39 {E0B8C461-F8FB-49b4-8373-FE32E9252800}
drwxr-xr-x@ 7 greg staff 238 Mar 28 2010 {a95d8332-e4b4-6e7f-98ac-20b733364387}
drwxr-xr-x@ 9 greg staff 306 Jul 22 06:14 {ca526f8b-9e0a-4756-9077-19d6f3e64ea8}
Thanks for a great plugin.
ZQL does not seem to work when running Zotero as a tab. Not in context menu and spacebar does nothing. Any way to work around that?
Also, is there a way for ZQL to remember its window size?
The quicklook is used through qlmanage command and it does not have an option to set the window size, so the answer to your question about wundow size is no.
towards the end of the thread.