files not syncing / wss://stream.zotero.org not reachable (2001635380)
by mathias.walter ·[JavaScript Error: "S3 returned 0 for 2228042/7QVTDDUC -- retrying download" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/storage/zfs.js" line: 177}] -
by dstillman ·[JavaScript Error: "DuplicateItems must have at least one item" {file: "jar:file:///C:/Users/[…]/AppData/Roaming/Zotero/Zotero/Profiles/shv7q7l1.default/extensions/zoplicate@chenglongma.com.xpi!/chrom -
How to update proxy username and password?
by dmk ·Thank you so much for your help. The javascript in the comment you sent did permanently clear the old values, but I do not see how to get it to remember the new values and I couldn't find the autologi -
Zotero saying "Votre base de données Zotero est actuellement en cours d'utilisation"
by Julien Demade ·[JavaScript Error: "Could not open connection to /run/user/1000/doc/942a8d18/zotero/zotero.sqlite: 2153971713" {file: "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.sys.mjs" line: 1336}] -
Zotero wont create bibliography - Mac
by AlvaroDiezValle ·[JavaScript Error: "d.current is undefined" {file: "resource://zotero/note-editor/editor.js" line: 6}] -
Edit style to add tags to printed bibliography
by adamsmith ·For javascript you'd use this: -
Edit style to add tags to printed bibliography
by khopkins22 ·Oh, I missed your comment about access to a developer and knowing python or javascript. I don't know python or javascript (sadly) but will explore whether someone at my research center might be able t -
Error report: 58629303
by dstillman ·[JavaScript Error: "Item data not loaded and field '1' not set for item 1/DH2RCNTY"] -
by T-A-N-A ·[JavaScript Error: "obj.erase is not a function" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/data/item.js" line: 5075}] -
PDF naming
by mark.diamond ·@innovation1 . You might like to look here (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/116643/rename-file-bug ) at the Javascript I have posted to emulate, to some degree, the previously liked-by-me-and-you -
Edit style to add tags to printed bibliography
by adamsmith ·(If you have access to a developer or know a bit of python or javascript, moving tags to Extra can be automated; but it does requires a brief script) -
Error 1682387111 javascript error out of nothing
by lig-hls ·[JavaScript Error: "NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS: Component returned failure code: 0x80520008 (NS_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) [nsIFile.create]" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/file.js" line: 1054 -
Rename File Bug?
by mark.diamond ·I also prefer the old (apparently unintended) behaviour having the Title of the PDF correspond to its storage file name. The following Javascript will modify SELECTED items (multiple selection being p -
Batch create note from annotations for different attachment types
by sjgknight ·Using the Developer JavaScript tool I can batch this for items with: -
Zotero.HTTP.request return empty ArrayBuffer in response when set responseType as 'arraybuffer'
by jiaojiaodubai23 ·Alternatively, can use a node package called "express" to create a local server that sends an arrayBuffer, and then use the "Tools ->Run JavaScript" in Zotero menu bar to test it. -
File renaming, camel-case: why isn't the first character a capital ?
by tnajdek ·{{ title case="camel" truncate="100" replaceFrom="^(\w)" replaceTo="\$1" }}
File renaming, camel-case: why isn't the first character a capital ?
by adamsmith ·camelCase is the standard implementation in (certainly javascript) programming (with what you call upper camel case typically referred to as Pascal case, see e.g. https://typescript-eslint.io/rules/na -
Problems with adding a Bibliography
by k.612 ·[JavaScript Error: "The operation couldn't be completed. (OSStatus error -1708.) @[setBibliographyStyle:document.m:854]" {file: "resource://zotero-macword-integration/messagingGeneric.js" line: 216}] -
no reaction when I put a pdf file into zotero
by Dorisdu1994 ·About the importing failure,the detailed massages like this:JavaScript Error: "Failed importing file C:\Users\apricity\Desktop\氢氧文献\氢氧同位素修改论文补充文献\Geophysical Research Letters - 2024 - Hall - Snowfall -
can't download PDF from CNKI