Screen Reader accessibility - Keyboard shortcuts
by adamsmith ·On the topic (and while I'm by no means an expert), there are also what look like fairly significant accessibility issues in the beta: -
Screen Reader accessibility - Keyboard shortcuts
by ztas ·Thanks for having the Classic add citation option for accessibility. It works well. However, there are two things to mention. Some edit fields are not named, so I am not sure what they are for. -
PDF viewer invert colors shortcut
by dstillman ·Zotero doesn't currently support Dark Mode on macOS, but "Invert colors" is a system accessibility setting in System Preferences → Accessibility → Display, and you can enable a shortcut key for it in -
Screenreader compatibility JAWS
by ztas ·Thanks for having the Classic add citation option for accessibility. It works well. However, there are two things to mention. Some edit fields are not named, so I am not sure what they are for. -
Feature Requests: iOS beta annotations and highlighting text
by dstillman ·Text-to-speech settings are OS-level Accessibility settings. -
Feature Requests: iOS beta annotations and highlighting text
by cberrigan ·- The ability to choose in preferences the voice engines for the text-to-speech, and reading speed. Especially for different languages. I think this would be a great addition to accessibility. -
Screenreader compatibility JAWS
by bwiernik ·I believe that folks have used JAWS with Zotero with reasonable success. Here is a recent discussion of accessibility: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/40450/screen-reader-accessibility-keyboard-s -
Available in preview: Zotero PDF reader and new note editor
by dstillman ·Yes, there'll be much better keyboard support in the PDF reader in later versions, both for accessibility and general usability. (It would also be nice if the annotations panel showed who made the ann -
Available in preview: Zotero PDF reader and new note editor
by dstillman ·As mentioned there, this is an early preview, and we'll be adding more features and making many design, usability, and accessibility improvements before release, so please let us know about any proble -
Zotero Accessibility Permission (Mac)
by ralvare03 ·Hello! -
Moving collections with keyboard input without dragging?
Moving collections with keyboard input without dragging?
by adamsmith ·Yeah, this has been requested a bunch and planned for quite some time -- apart from issues such as yours it's also probably the biggest accessibility issue in Zotero -- but isn't possible currently. -
Zotero Logo appears on my Desktop
by dstillman ·You're saying that appears only when Zotero is running? Are you using some sort of third-party utility that does something with applications? Or some macOS accessibility setting that somehow does that -
Screen Reader accessibility - Keyboard shortcuts
by adamsmith ·are very much aware that this is broken for accessibility and my understanding is that fixing accessibility/making collections keyboard accessible is a firm part of the plans for an improved interfac -
by mingxie ·Can anyone help me with the information about the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template or Accessibility Conformance Report? My university require information about the accessibility to install Zot -
Data Exchange between Platforms (Redcap & Zotero)
by rmartin71 ·I am on a project that uses Recap for a scholarly database but because of accessibility limitations to Redcap for most people, we would like to have a file exchange between Redcap and Zotero. -
Keyboard trap (WCAG 2.0, 2.1.2)
by heatherjane7 ·mweiler1 I'm interested in the results of your Zotero accessibility review, and if there are still WCAG 2.0 criteria that are not met (after your fix described above)? -
[Solved] Zotero beta on Mac : Changes to stacked view layout?
by DWL-SDCA ·These are a few of the most problematic issues for me. I've tried closing and restarting Zotero, restarting my Mac, and making tweaks to the accessibility and mouse settings in system preferences. Is -
Window text and font are so large I cannot use Zotero
by dstillman ·But while that line should definitely affect the sizing, the default (with no line) really should work. No one else has reported this, so this is almost certainly some configuration issue on your comp -
Storing pdfs on separate drive
by postsapor ·The problem is that when you install Zotero via flatpak, it limits accessibility to locations outside the home directory. The solution is to grant the permission to access that folder by the flatpak-o