



  • 2) As storage I would like to use an external cloud that is provided by the company neither google drive nor icloud nor dropbox, is it doable? 3) Last but not least, I have the whole library extracted, but I think it is corrupted because when I upl…
  • Okay, so I just 'lost' certain part of my sync. Is that correct? For instance, if I have 1000 files but due to the limitation of storage I uploaded only 100. Hence, 900 is lost and I have to re-download that for a new machine? Do I understand it we…
  • Allow me to rephrase that. When I will buy additional storage, namely 2GB, I will be able to have access to files (pdfs with annotation) on a PC, tablet, or mobile, is it correct? Even if it is stored on PC (90% of pdfs), tablet (8%), mobile (2%).…
  • Ok, sorry, you are correct regarding the storage. I did not mean to bother you. Allow me to ask this way. When I will buy additional storage, namely 2GB, I will be able to have access to files (pdfs with annotation) on PC, tablet, or mobile, is it c…
  • Ok, thanks for that. " the "file not found" warning is a different message. That's what you see when you try to open a file that's not available on a given device." Does it mean I have to take all of the pdf files from one device to another? Or the…
  • Yes, I have warning. "file not found" "the attached file could not be found at the following path, ... if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to" But I synced that because I can see the same number of f…