sync issue + lack of every pdf file


on my account, I reached a point where quota is used.
Recently, I switched the machine I am working on and all files/annotations are in the old machine, which I don't have access to now. But I made sync very often. Is it possible to obtain them and have the whole library with pdfs and annotations?

Currently, I have a library only with reference indication but without pdf/annotations and so on. Is the whole library lost now? And I have to re-download all of pdf files?
  • You're at your file sync quota, so additional files just weren't uploaded from your previous computer. Zotero would've been showing a warning about that on every sync. You'd need to sync the files from the old computer (either by adding a storage plan, using WebDAV, or transferring the entire data directory), since that's the only place they exist.
  • edited September 20, 2022
    Okay, so I just 'lost' certain part of my sync. Is that correct?
    For instance, if I have 1000 files but due to the limitation of storage I uploaded only 100. Hence, 900 is lost and I have to re-download that for a new machine?
    Do I understand it well?

    >>>or transferring the entire data directory), since that's the only place they exist.
    I dont have the access to the entire data directory. Is on PC I dont have access now :(
  • I'm afraid so, yes. The files were just never uploaded.

    Zotero shows sync errors in the toolbar next to the sync button, and that includes a warning icon if you're at your file sync quota, which you can click on for more information. In an upcoming version, we're planning to add a more prominent banner across the top if files haven't been uploaded in a while to help people avoid this sort of thing.
  • 2) As storage I would like to use an external cloud that is provided by the company neither google drive nor icloud nor dropbox, is it doable?

    3) Last but not least, I have the whole library extracted, but I think it is corrupted because when I uploaded it into a new machine it does not have any pdf and several references are missing. Or it is caused by the fact that quota is used.
  • See Stored Files and Linked Files. We can only help with stored files using Zotero syncing (which can include a WebDAV server).
    ast but not least, I have the whole library extracted, but I think it is corrupted because when I uploaded it into a new machine it does not have any pdf and several references are missing.
    Not sure what you mean by that. If you copied the entire Zotero data directory from the previous computer, you'd have all your items and files, because it would be the exact same folder. If you're copying something on another computer, you wouldn't have the files because they were never synced.
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