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- gustms
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Same issue as @michd here, on Windows 11.
Do you have any plugins installed? Try running Zotero in troubleshooting mode (Help - Restart in Troubleshooting Mode) and see if the problem persists. I run mine on Windows 11, with 2500+ items in my Library and plenty of tabs open, and it never u…
Just to confirm, did you also empty you "Trash" folder in Zotero?
I'm in the same scenario and planning what to do next.
@xujchen In my case, it hasn't changed at all. What you described is an alternative way of doing the same thing, but pressing and holding on "All Items" still works on iPadOS 18.
And to add to dstillman's comment: "If you wish to convert linked files to stored files in order to allow Zotero to manage them, you can do so from the Tools → Manage Attachments menu."
It depends on the Item Type of the selected item. If not available on the selected item, you can use the "Extra" field to add this information.
1. Can't comment as I use Zotero's internal reader and it is excellent. 2. See this: - You are confusing filename with Attachment Title. Once you appreciate that an item can have mo…
I think you have too many variables here, and a lot related to plugins. A few questions: Are these annotations editable in Zotero when imported back to Zotero from Xodo? If so, you may try changing the color of a few to see if that causes them to …
Fantastic work Zotero team! Thanks!
@samanthaculp I use both the iOS and Android Zotero apps daily, and to be honest, never had any issues, especially with the iOS version since it has been officially released. It may be worth to give it a try again and see if the issues you had in t…
@elikintj Add the email to the bottom part of this page, when logged in to your personal account.
Right-click and select "Pin section". Then do the same and "Unpin section" when done.
What if you add the same DOI to both entries?
"With better integration of the pen I would to be able to select highlight and use my pen to highlight and my fingers to scroll. No need to select and unselecting highlight all the time." It works this way in the iPad app, so I agree it should be s…
@dstillman Thank you, seems to be working fine now.
- Same error message on mine. Windows 11, latest Zotero beta (86), latest Word updates.
Last time I had that issue (a few weeks ago) I signed out of zotero in the iPad app, then uninstalled it, reinstalled, and signed back in. It is now working fine again. You could try that if everything is synced with the server.
Thanks! Looking forward to it.
What if you try resetting the password? It should ask for the new password without needing your current one, by confirming through a link you receive by e-mail.
I think they are aware of that, but I remember on mine I had to refresh the app data as mentioned above to get them to show correctly. Not sure if by attachment they meant the PDF icons on the right, but I know it worked for me. "What's New in the …
That happened to me as well a few weeks ago. I signed out of my account and cleared up the app data in the Android settings, then launched the app and signed in again. The icons were fixed by doing that.
Not exactly like that, as far as I know. The way I do it is to create RSS feeds of the journals I want to follow in Pubmed: And then add those in Zotero:…
Beta 57 is the latest version, release a few days ago. It auto-updates once you restart Zotero, so you should always be on the latest version. If not, you can download again from here to check: It will sh…
@dstillman sure, here it is: D190863074 Thanks!
Just tested it again, and now the error I got is "Error - Value 30 for dayOfMonth must be in the range [1,28]"
Thanks, it looks great!
Looking forward to this feature. Thank you!
Thank you for this beta! Just tested it on my phone, and I like how the interface is the same as on my iPad. Great job!