



  • Drag-and-drop can solve more than one of your problems, in fact. If you open a PDF in Firefox, then drag and drop the favicon from the address bar into the center column in Zotero, it will add it to your library. There will be some semantic confusio…
  • Your first problem is probably easiest to fix by changing how you add items to Zotero. First off, make sure that in the General tab of the Preferences window, "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items" is unchecked. …
  • http://www.zotero.org/support/zotero_data
  • If I understand you correctly, you can already do something very close to this. Select the items you wish to export in the center column. Right click and select "Export Selected Items..." If you export to RDF and select Export Files, all …
  • chrisrose75 - ebradleyjohnson has it right. the webdav URL for iDisk is http://idisk.mac.com/username/Public/zotero/ Since I don't have an iDisk account myself, I can't confirm whether you need to add a /zotero directory manually. My…
  • You're a brave man running OpenOffice on an iBook G3. I have one myself and it's slow as molasses. It's actually difficult to even find OO3.0.1 on their site for PPC. You have to look for the Mac Porting Project page. If you're running a PPC, the do…
  • I'd advise creating a collection containing all the items you cite for any given paper. It's not like you're duplicating the records. It would be nice to be able to go backwards from the plugin, though. Maybe a "Create Collection from Bibliogr…
  • One of the recent beta releases added a warning to the Sync Preferences tab, which you have to visit before enabling sync. At this point, Zotero is still in transition between encouraging use of 1.0.x and 1.5b. Nonetheless, the general feeling is th…
  • Just to make sure, since you didn't expressly say that you'd done so: have you checked "Automatically attach associated PDFs..." in the General tab of the Preferences window?
  • Oh, no no. I understand completely. Stillman's solution is exactly what the OP was looking for. Mine was a couple poor means of doing something different. :P
  • I second bdarcus. My suggestions are awful.
  • Is it safe to assume that you're using Zotero 1.5? By "standard-size", do you mean the default size? I'm not sure how do change the default, but opening the Styles dropdown box, you can select different heading levels, which will change the font siz…
  • That would be my doing. We're trying to organize pages in our wiki a little more sensibly. I think I've updated all the internal links to it. I'm sorry if that breaks other peoples' links. It and all other screencasts are now in support/screencast_t…
  • I'm sorry, Mikko, but this cannot be done. There is no consistent formatting for title pages of articles such that regular expressions would have anything to hinge upon. The fields have to be consistently in the same place or expressly identified fo…
  • If it's any easier than using Time Machine, you could export your library to RDF. That would be reverse compatible to 1.0.x. You could also try using OpenOffice and the associated plugin, if you can't upgrade to Word 2008. There is some talk of deve…
  • I would agree, only, right now, you can't copy and paste items between collections or into Finder. The only copying option available is to copy the citation, and I don't think it's a good idea to create a keyboard shortcut that will imply functional…
  • @Mikko - I'm sure there's a more technical way to explain it, but the reason it's not Cmd+C is because that would imply that you're doing something else. Typing Cmd+C when you have an item selected in the center column would seem like you're copying…
  • @Dan - wow. how long has this been floating around? I thought this was something that has driven everyone up the wall for ages. I'd never heard of it.
  • Ahhh, you're right, of course. You're just pithier than I am and I misconstrued what you were saying. My apologies.
  • The program used to open file types is decided by Firefox and/or your operating system. I'm honestly a little fuzzy on how the two decide on conflicts, but here's how to set it in each one. Some combination of these should do the trick. In the …
  • The problem ThesisDan is having is not that he can't get the item into Zotero. It's that it's saving as an attachment-type file. There's no way directly around this. All PDF files are stored as attachment-type files with limited metadata (notes, tag…
  • I think the problem is with the website, though I could be mistaken. The span tag that includes the bibliographic data includes the following: aulast=Jou%CC%88on If you look up what those two hex codes represent, you get: Ì  …
  • I'm not sure I agree with the way Lagendijk framed his argument. The only element of the problem he outlines that is solved by Zotero is the monopolism of T-R's citation database. No matter where you get your data, even if you enter it by hand, erro…
  • Okay, having looked into this further, IEEE style does not call for the use of the URL under any circumstances. This is probably just because their description is not very detailed, but we can't just go adding things to styles that they don't call f…
  • SimonCropper is, of course, right. You can edit styles or create them from scratch to do whatever you want. It'd be better if the styles actually function the way they're supposed to, but IEEE makes it hard. They don't seem to specify how to cite we…
  • These pages should help get you started: http://www.zotero.org/support/make_your_site_zotero_ready http://www.zotero.org/support/compatible_standards_and_software
  • As far as I am aware, there should be no limit on library size where simply syncing data (library items) is concerned. That part of it is done on the Zotero server with your Zotero.org forums account. File syncing, on the other hand, is done through…
  • If I'm understanding correctly what you're asking for, the feature already exists. Highlight whatever text you'd like in Firefox, then right click on it and select "Create Zotero Item and Note from Selection". Is that what you meant?
  • Well, that feature has expanded somewhat organically. It was originally just titles, then it became any type of title, like publications. I suppose there's no especially good reason for it not to work on authors. I'm not sure I see the utility for o…
  • I'm not sure that there's any particular amount of data that will slow your system down significantly, especially since that's probably dependent on your hardware. Further, it's not the file size that matters to Zotero's performance, only the number…