



  • While it is nice to see that there is a way, for those of us without python programming knowledge (or Greek), this looks like Greek to me. I wonder if there isn't a way to package something like this within Zotero to make a seamless solution?
  • Is this item simply being ignored. Tags cause me so much trouble that I am thinking of quitting Zotero.
  • I notice that a reply often says "if you have a lot of citations" but never with a number that explains how many a "lot" is. Zotero stops responding almost any time I attempt to do anything. Each time it stops, it takes several to many seconds to st…
  • I was just deleting a single tag from my library and from start to finish took nearly 60 seconds. Zotero quit responding once, and simply doesn't respond to anything during those 60 seconds. I have many tags that need fixing due to the way Zotero im…
  • An ideal solution would be for the user to be able to select several tags at once and simply delete them all in one go. And, to have an option to not ask if the person is sure. Simply delete without confirmation.
  • This was suggested 8 years ago and nothing has been done? Tags in Zotero are such a pain, yet it should be possible to bulk edit them quickly. I have seen many people with a similar issue, so it is apparently not a rarity and not due to user error.
  • I am also having trouble with BioOne. I tried to use it to import from the journals The Auk and Ecological Applications with no luck. It shows a little pop-up that indicates that Zotero is working, but nothing happens. With the journal the Wilson…
  • I am trying to import from Papyrus, via RIS format. The default settings for the import did not work, so I modified it a bit to make it look more compatible, and also did not work. When it "sort of" worked, not all the parts came across right, lik…
  • I am having the same problems with Wiley Interscience as of 15 September. I have gone through the disabling other extensions, checked the third party cookies and all to no avail. Any other suggestions? Jim