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And one more; adding 978-3-7344-1083-3 via the magic wand also attaches the following note:
I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, but the two pages are two separate pages also in the PDF I use, because I used krop to split the pages (I just chose the side-by-side view to visualize the problem). I should've made this clearer in the in…
I still see the same problem - Zotero wrongly downloads the front matter as "full text pdf" when importing from here:
For me "Open in Firefox" didn't work for all PDFs, but setting to true in about:config helped.
If I understand you correctly, this might be what you're looking for:
The feed also only seems to retrieve the last 25 items from the group library - is that intentional or am I overlooking something?
I just stumbled upon the same problem - Firefox downloads the .atom file, which is not really helpful (but might be a bug in Firefox?). It's still possible to get the feed-link from the download, but maybe it would be easier if "Add to Feed" just ad…
Ich fürchte das wäre doch etwas kompliziert; man müsste entweder den Umweg über Endnote gehen, oder mit einer CONCATENATE-Funktion in Excel selbst versuchen, die Tabelle in Bibtex umzuwandeln. Das ist nicht unmöglich, aber fehleranfällig (ich habe e…
Did you change the setting in Zotero's preferences (under "General", "Open PDFs using...")?
I still see this quite frequently in 7.0.12beta. It happens with almost any scanned PDF that show the slightest downward skew. It's a bit of a hassle to manually fix each annotation.…
Ich habe gerade selbst nochmal etwas rumprobiert, weil ich normalerweise nicht Windows und Excel nutze: Wenn ich die CSV-Datei im Explorer einfach durch Doppelklicken öffne, wird sie mir in Excel auch falsch dargestellt. Wenn ich sie öffne, indem …
In meinen Tests klappt das mit dem CSV-Export: Jeder Eintrag erhält eine Zeile, in der Spalte „Call Number“ steht die Signatur. Das ist doch, wie ihr es braucht, oder? Kann es sein, dass beim Excel-Import ein falsches Spaltentrennzeichen (z.B. Semi…
Another addition: while "Zooming to page height" doesn't seem to be at fault, "Zoom to page width" might be the culprit in my case.
For me it doesn't seem to be related to "Zoom to page height" (in fact most PDFs look fine after setting Zoom to page height). I'll keep my eyes open for more helpful information, though.
I've also noticed problems with the Brill translator in Firefox (
I think I can specify the problem a bit more: When zooming in or out in a document with Ctrl+Scroll Wheel, the text is a bit blurry during the "jump" between two different zoom levels, but then there's a kind of short flash before the image gets sh…
I think I see the same problem in 7.0.12-beta.1+31bbf2acf. When first opening a PDF, it is often somewhat blurry, like in this screenshot: Zooming in and out again …
Perfect, thank you!
I would wait with deleting files until you have received advice here; it seems quite unlikely that the file limit is the source of your problem. It's better to do as adamsmith wrote and describe your problem and follow the advice from the forum.
That's a great feature, thank you!
I still have this problem in 7.0.10-beta. I've also noticed that what I described as a workaround above doesn't really work. Instead of adding the item currently open in the reader pane to the selected collection, Zotero will always add the item t…
Perfect, thank you for the quick fix!
In this OA-document ( I've noticed that the automatic DOI detection seems to have a few problems, usually it is not recognizing the last numbers of a DOI: In this case seems to not recognize numbers after an…
Another example: Adding ISBN 9783779975540 adds a note that also contains the single word "Literaturverzeichnis". I still haven't really seen a note that I actually considered useful, I'm afraid.
I still see the problem in 7.0.10-beta and can reproduce it reliably by: Opening a PDF tab and switching to it. Closing Zotero and starting it again. Switching from the reader tab to the library tab while it is still loading. I've also captured an…
Tarballs are not containerized but just a way of compressing and sharing folders (and you're right that they're thus not the usual method of installing software on immutable systems). However - why would Zotero need to be containerized? It has a sel…
I mean if the AppImage works for you, that's good - but I don't really see any reason against just unpacking the Tarball into your /home and running Zotero from there. Especially for less experienced users this method, which is the officially suppor…
I've also run into the same problem (and thus found this old thread) and have opened a bug report at LibreOffice: It's currently unconfirmed (and I haven't figured out a way to upload a d…
Perfect, thank you!
Dear Martynas, I think there is still a problem with highlighting words in the annotation and it turns out it is not a fluke, but just only reproducible under certain conditions. To reproduce: 1. In the reader pane, select a highlight annotation…