



  • Returning to this discussion months later as I polish the footnotes on my next publication... Control-Alt-A worked immediately for me in getting the Chicago footnote/endnote rather than full bibliography style - thanks adamsmith for your instruction…
  • Thanks noksagt, this worked for me! That said, I started a forum in the Features section -- I'd love to see the notes feature integrated with Word, so you could generate a bibliography in your preferred citation style with notes.
  • I'm having the same problem as kristenkim and would definitely appreciate some advice.
  • Thanks, I wasn't aware of the "generate report" feature. Ideally, I would like to generate a report from a whole collection, but for some reason, nothing happens when I click on "Generate Report from Collection". Is this a bug, or am I doing somet…
  • Any estimate on when we can expect to see integration with Word? I have a project coming up this Spring, and, unfortunately, if Zotero doesn't allow me to instantly create and format footnotes, internal quotations, and a customized bibliography (no…