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- danieltomasz
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When dragging annotation to another program (for example, Obsidian), is currently possible to add page and/or metadata of the original pdf? Something like "Some quoted text" (page 9, [ citation](zotero-link)) Currently I can drag only "Some quote…
Better extractions of annotation would make this request obsolete https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/90158/zotero-beta-add-item-note-from-annotation-save-colors-of-annotation?new=1
I apologize, It was not clear from my comment what I meant I would like to have an ability to have added link to exported PDF (as linked file) It could be non-defult behaviour, enabled through editing string in advance setting This would be a te…
@dstillman I still rely on some customization that Zotfile offer for extracting annotation; Could be possible to make optionally an exported file linked to Zotero item? (even through advanced config editor)
Thanks for making the app! Is there support for linked files (like dropbox and zotfile) planned in the future development? Even after initial public release ? EDIT:It seems you will be flooded with such questions now (I saw this post after I com…
I am using Linux and Mac Zotero as my daily driven. I dont use Windows that often but I will try to help. So you when you open Zotero and you have pdfs as item in your biblioliography and try to open this pdf you getting an error, yes? When you tr…
Which operating system do you use?
Do you have backup of your zotero.squlite? how do do you change from linked to stored? i usally doing the other way, from stored to linked through Zotfile
Yes, thanks, I noticed that and I could wait for the next stable release. I think that description of how to get a safari connector may be updated to state more explicitly about changes in the database, people who will be looking for it may not …
Another problem - earlier zotero beta provided Zotero connector for Safari, I installed both of them alongside and used the stable, but now with this new Beta is not possible to use the same database for stable and beta, >This Zotero databas…
There exist not official apps for android, they worked quite well
This is the thread for providing feedback about beta? https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/88089/zotero-beta-with-enabled-pdf-reader-not-fully-themed-on-linux#latest
> it would be nice to have an easy option to open pdfs externally without having to change the setting back >For people using the built-in reader, I'm not sure an external reader would be used enough to merit taking up menu space, particularl…
Yes, you could have a local link and to the online Zotero database Check the Zutilo plugin and then you could change the Zutilo presences to change user interface, it is even possible to link to Zotero item with Markdown link with the name of the i…
Also I don't want to say what the developers should do but even and kind of closed beta (or even alpha that could crash but wouldn't corrupt data) on testflight would help to gather feedback from users and would help in the development The users t…
I am sorry that I was not precise, I meant to put the folder with linked pdf files to cloud storage folder, not the Zotero database
Probably they just aren't an agile team on ios: "release early, release often"/ @jeremymatt if you put your all library to dropbox folder (or any other syncing service) using Zotfile you don't need to manually sync anymore @bwiernik does develop…
Adding downloaded pdfs is more reliable to me than clicking "Save to Zotero" in many cases (especially in case of preprerints or some publishers where pdfs are in some kind embedded in reader they offer). In case of pdfs retrived on Ipad or Iphone …
A functionality that I am looking for now is a way to write specific tags from Zotero to finder/DT, this way I would have a way to recreate my collections in DT (via smart rules, file has specific tag -> replicate to folder) . Could your packa…
I use Zotflie to move pdf to folder outside Zotero database. Does Zowie support pdfs stored outside Zotero database? I tried to run Zowie both on my Zotero databse folder and my dropbox folder where I store pdfs. In case of Zotero database Zowi…
Great tool! Does it works with pdfs that are moved by Zotfile?
I just wrote on possible workaround on DT forum https://discourse.devontechnologies.com/t/from-devonthink-to-zotero/61297/9
Any chance that to change the default behaviour or workaround so when copying item it will also create a new file for group - a copy of that pdf ? Or I need to drop pdf file every time I want to add a reference to a group?
You look for similar items using other apps (DevonThink on Mac could do it really nice), maybe someone could implement something similar as a plugin. This is not what you asking, but you could see how many times the paper was cited using scite plug…
Great work with transition to Big Sur! Do you plan to change or resize a little bit a Zotero icon for Big Sur? It is a little bigger than the other Big Sur style icon
You mean open in place? (you could always in iOS open a pdf in another pdf reader, but usually, it will make a copy of the file, for example, DevonthinkToGo, which could be thought as a similar app to organize a pdf library, doesn't have "open in …
@dstillman Will the planned Ipad app support external folders configuration for storing files (like zotfile + dropbox on PC)?
The ball should be in the Marginnote developers/community yard, there already is topic there about academic workflows (Marginnote allow some plugins functionality) https://forum.marginnote.com/t/academic-use-workflow-hints-please/1156/23 LiquidText…
@bwiernik that’s good that developer says that release is really close! I still wouldn’t believe Apple to treat IPad as your (only) real computer, but as a secondary device it works really well I don’t mind waiting and long development, but w…