Add citation in Word does not work since Zotero update today 5th June 2018

Dear Zotero team,

I used Zotero standalone with Chrome yesterday and everything worked well. Today when I started Zotero and after its updates I cannot insert any citations anymore in my word document. After pushing the add citation button, a windows in Zotero pop ups with progress and then it is loading continuously but nothing happens afterwards. I also installed the Zotero Add in for Word again but no change. Can you please assist as I need to finalize this document for submission at the University.

Thank you very much in advance.
  • Can you provide a Report ID?
  • Dear Dstillman,

    Thanks for your prompt reoly. Report ID: 2135721503.
  • Could you produce a Debug ID from Zotero?

    1. In the Help menu, go to Debug Output Logging and select Enable.
    2. Click Add/Edit Citation in Word.
    3. Before doing anything else, return to Help → Debug Output Logging and click Submit Output, which will disable logging and submit the output to A window should pop up containing a Debug ID. Click “Copy to Clipboard” and paste the Debug ID into this forum thread.
  • The following is the requested Debug ID from Zotero D1767495343.
  • Could you restart Zotero and produce it again (without interacting with Zotero Word plugin before beginning to record the debug log)?
  • D755723027, this ID as requested is without trying to insert any citations in word.
  • Sorry, I meant you should not interact with Word before enabling debug logging, then press add/edit citation and then submit the log. Please produce another one.
  • Dear adomasven,

    I tried it again now and it works again. I do not know what the issue was.

    Best regards.
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