Cannot use "paste non-empty item fields" of Zutilo

I want to use the Zutilo's "paste non-empty item fields" function. So I open Tools->Zutilo Preferences->User Interface. After I choose "Zotero context menu" or "Zutilo context menu" for "paste non-empty item fields", I can't see it either in the two menus.

The same happens when I set up the function of "paste into empty item fields", "paste all item fields" and "paste item type".

Zotero version: (lastest)
Zutilo version:3.10.0 (lastest)

It's been bothering me a couple of days...
  • Update: I use JavaScript to solve my problem...
  • This should work. Zutilo's "Paste non-empty item fields" option only shows up if there're valid JSON item data on the clipboard. Use "Copy items fields" before using "Paste non-empty item fields".

    See this discussion for more details:
  • The following content from the discussion solved my confusion:

    "Zutilo doesn't allow to paste when it detects that the copied content is not the last content you copied with the very Zutilo copy item function."

    "The itemType name/value pair needs to be kept in the JSON text because Zutilo uses its presence to decide whether to use the paste JSON commands in the context menu; its value is irrelevant for this function. You can, e.g., clear the URL field in multiple items by pasting {"itemType": "book", "url": ""}, which will not change any item types."

    This completely solved my confusion. I didn't use the search function well, my bad. Thanks & best!
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