D1996404138: .docx Google Doc
by mglee_rti_gmail ·Word document was imported to Google Docs - need to redo the citations because they were not converted prior. However, Zotero keeps providing the error "Zotero experienced an error updating your docum -
Error with Zotero in Google Docs
by shawheenrezaei ·I am getting the following error when I try using Zotero on my Google Doc. I am able to press the Zotero tab on Google Doc. I am also able to press add citation as well. When I press add citation (or -
Zotero not working in Google Docs
by dstillman ·1) Right-click on the popup and choose Inspect. Your browser developer console should open with a div selected. If you get a Google Docs context menu instead, you may need to find another spot on the -
Zotero not working in Google Docs
by PMoreno92 ·Thank you for the response, I just checked and saw that the connection has been lost in all of my Google docs, it still remains in the Word documents. My computer had an automatic update, but it shoul -
Zotero not working in Google Docs
by dstillman ·We're looking into this. We're not seeing it ourselves, so it doesn't seem to be a universal problem, but Google may be testing some change, or it may be due to some setting in Google Docs. -
Zotero not working in Google Docs
by jpsde ·I have the same issue. It looks like this has happened a few years ago already: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/87938/google-docs-zotero-wont-cite-just-pulls-up-link-function -
Zotero no longer working in Google Docs
by hehuynh ·I have been using Zotero to manage citations and bibliographies in my Google Docs for several months. I have a Mac and use Chrome as my browser. Zotero connector is installed in my browser. -
Unable to link citations in Google Docs
by lforman3 ·I am attempting to link 60+ citations in a Google document and create a bibliography. The citations were previously linked, but now when I try to check if they are properly linked Zotero will not pop -
Issues Citing in Google Docs
by pbouwhuis1 ·When I use Zotero to try and cite in Google Docs, I get a pop-up menu that I've never seen before and have no idea how to use. It appears there's new functions. This appears when I click every option -
Won't work on Google Docs
by rcansler ·When I click to add/edit citation, I get a pop up that says "text, search or paste link"... If I click on anything with zotero for my document I get the same thing. I've uninstalled and reinstalled z… -
Zotero not working in Google Docs
by spaceLem ·[Admin note: A fix is now available.] -
Zotero Google Docs plug-in stopped working
by PMoreno92 ·I am working with Zotero in Google docs and Nature style citation (i.e., only numbers). It has been extremely problematic with the constant unlinking, but I am afraid I may have just lost all my citat -
Impossibly slow adding citation on Chrome Google doc
by Julie.Chrystall ·I have had this issue before in google docs but last time it only gave me 1-2 copies not 160! -
Impossibly slow adding citation on Chrome Google doc
by Julie.Chrystall ·I have been using Zotero fine with google docs but as of yesterday it is not able to add any citations. I type it in but then it is endlessly stuck on updating with the green progress bar. -
Zotero Connector not working on Google Docs accessed via Google Drive dock shortcut on Mac
by charles.troup ·I have the Zotero Connector installed to add citations from my library to Google Docs. On my Mac, when I access my Google Doc via Safari, the connector works fine. But when I open the same Google Doc -
Google Docs Authentication Error
by thrustbadger ·When I try to authenticate Zotero from within a Google Doc, I select my Google account and click Continue, and then I get an Error 400: -
Enquiry about Unformatted and Formatted Citation One-click Transfer
by simoeisios ·(or other office software, such as Libre Office, Google Docs, which in their eyes is often nothing more than a free Word). -
Roman Numerals in Footnotes
by SercanUestuendag ·First of all: I use Zotero with google docs online. -
Google Docs Citations Not Working
by dstillman ·First try restarting Zotero. If that doesn't help, disable all your browser extensions (particularly Google Docs Offline), reload Google Docs, and then try again. -
Google Docs Citations Not Working
by eboyer01 ·The debug ID is D1954087496. The drop down menu for Zotero on Google Docs opens, but nothing happens when I click any of the options (Add/edit citation... etc.)