Zotero 7: Different interfaces for reader and main menu
by Hamsquishery ·My problem is the opposite: I use dark mode, but I want the PDF's to be light, because the dark versions of the PDF's show inverted colours... -
PDF Viewer custom background color
by personwithhat ·Adobe has a dark-grey background on the left/right of the PDF -
Zotero 7: Different interfaces for reader and main menu
by dstillman ·View → Use Dark Mode for Content -
Zotero 7: Different interfaces for reader and main menu
by karlvarez19 ·Hi! Just updated to Zotero 7. Is it possible to have the main menu in dark mode while the PDF file for each entry opens in light mode? -
Missing dark mode icons
by mjthoraval ·The collection icons are still in black in the Advanced Search in Dark Mode: -
PDF text selection color in Zotero 7
by lwarner16 ·Hi! I noticed that the blue color of the text selection highlighter (not the annotator) in PDFs in Zotero 7 has become darker/more saturated; this makes it hard for me to read the text being selected. -
Preferences for color themes
by WalccMan ·now that you can switch between dark and light mode, I was searching for the preferences to tweak the colors a bit, but I couldn't find anything. Is there a way to change the font or background colors -
Now available: Zotero 7
by joaofrgomes ·In any case, Attanger may no longer make a material difference to me personally (or at least not for the coming year), but since I'll still be recommending it to those who don't have access to or don' -
Borders of menus not clear in dark mode
by mjthoraval ·I am often confused by where the boundaries of the menus are in dark mode: -
Support for Science news articles
by mjthoraval ·https://www.science.org/content/article/hunt-dark-matter-particles-bags-nothing-again -
Now available: Zotero 7
by hcarges ·Really fantastic update, so grateful for all the work that went into it. Dark mode and the improved reader (epub compatible!!) is already so helpful. And for those out there worried about losing zotfi -
Now available: Zotero 7
by didibaba ·Congratulations! Love the dark mode :) -
Feature Request - Low-contrast Dark Mode
by bingps ·Hello, the recent upgrade of Zotero 7 is really appealing to me! However, the contrast of native dark mode is too high and not eye-friendly. -
Dark mode: toggle light/dark in PDFs from within dark mode
by dstillman ·View → Use Dark Mode for Content -
Dark mode: toggle light/dark in PDFs from within dark mode
by amanzanom ·I love the new Night mode of Zotero. However, I still want to read some (to many) of my PDFs as originally intended (white background, dark font). This allows for easier read of articles and figures w -
New Plugin: Night for Zotero
by Lorraine O'Donnell ·Hi, mac user here. Would someone tell me step by step how to install the dark mode plugin? Please assume no knowledge whatsoever of coding or how computers work, thanks. -
[Zotero 7 Beta] Wrong Dark Mode color in math editor of a note
by chrisyeh96 ·Is there any update on the LaTeX color issue? I just installed Zotero 7 (macOS), and the purple math color font is still too dark to read well in dark mode. -
Editing Note Editor CSS
by llity ·But the background color of dark mode can't be inverted -
Now available: Zotero 7
by cjmorris ·Congratulations to the team! It is such a great upgrade that the new dark mode UI and ARM64 Windows support convinced me to jump on the beta train. Happy to switch back to stable (though the beta was -
Now available: Zotero 7
by richard.sheridan ·I just paid for cloud storage for the first time because I needed more storage... But the new dark mode is so sick it's worth the price alone!