



  • I have been having this same capitalization problem and am grateful for the explanations in this discussion. However, can someone explain to me why "fr" works correctly for French titles and "French" (which is one auto-populated option, along with "…
  • Mine also finally synced this morning. Thank you for fixing the problem. Could the Zotero team offer a roadmap for the transition? Should we expect more syncing downtime in the near future? Thanks again, Scott
  • Could you guys post an update on the syncing issues? First, I agree with markneff above that we're sympathetic with the "swamped" nature of your transition at the moment. However, I'm paying you guys $240 a year to sync my data -- for that I expect …
  • I've been attempting a sync now on my laptop for 3.5 hours. This isn't from scratch -- it should only be picking up a few items from my desktop machine. I'm running the Standalone Alpha on both. Could you check the logs for a sync? (johnsonsf) …
  • Thank you, Dan. A manual delete of the PythonExt, and an uninstall of 3.0a2 (manually deleting the cache files after each), followed by an update from 2.0b7 to 2.0b7.1, followed by a reinstall of PythonExt then a reinstall of 3.0a2 -- fixed the prob…
  • I'm getting the following on 10.6.1 with 2.0b7 and MacWord Integr. 3.0a2 "Zotero Integration Error Firefox could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate Firefox extension is …