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It is on a Mac, but with a mouse
UPD 2: It looks like when I select certain items, the My Library pane becomes movable while when I select others, it gets very narrow and immovable.
UPD: It is stuck when the Info pane is open. When the Info pane is closed, I can move the border of the My Library pane freely.
Wow! Amazing! Huge congratulations! Looks spectacular! What a wonderful day!
No problem, I will certainly check out this plugin when I update Zotero to the 7th version.
Looks great! But which versions of Zotero is it compatible with? I cannot install it on my 6.0.37 for MacOS.
AskYourPdf has a Zotero plugin:
This happens on Zotero 6.0.30 on MacOS 14.3 (23D56). Disabling Force Click and haptic feedback resolved the problem.
@poettli, thanks - for some reason I did not find it when I searched 'to pin' before posting. thanks!
It appears there is a Connected Papers addon (, but the developer says 'Not currently open-source, please do not download'.
Inciteful has a nice addon: But it would be great to have similar addons for the aforementioned services.
Oh wow, cool, thanks! It worked!
That is what I tried to do and could not. I tried to drag a child note to a collection, but no collection would 'accept' it.
I would like to have this to reduce the number of windows open. I typically read PDFs in the in-built reader, but in a separate window. If I need to find something using the advanced search option while reading, I have no manipulate three windows: t…
P.S. I noticed that when I make the Note space slightly thinner, the '+' signs disappears behind the screen border, that is why I did not see it.
Apologies, I restarted Zotero and can now see the '+' sign.
I discovered recently that pressing Space moves page down, and pressing Shift + Space moves it up. This is fantastic.
I made a recording and sent it to Thank you!
It would be great to be able to drag a child note from one subcollection into another subcollection where it would become a standalone note.
Thank you so much!
I agree with the author.
Fantastic! It works now. And Fn + Up/Down works still as well. Thank you very much for your help, dstillman. I've learned a lot from you in this thread.
That makes a lot of sense. I did not know how these commands are called. Now I know, thanks. I've replaced Fn with Right_Option in Karabiner, and Zotero does not respond to this combination and it stopped responding to Fn+Up/Down too.
The ordinary Page Down brings me to the beginning of the next page, while Fn-Down in Zotero — very-very conveniently! — brings me to the next line (not page) of the text. This next line often belongs to the same page I was reading (because I am read…
Thanks! I did not know that. It looks helpful, but it is not what I am looking for. Right/Left move between pages while I need to move between screens (not sure how they are called — I mean the visible areas within the boundaries of the screen, depe…
Yes, precisely, this feature overrides menu commands, but in Zotero, I don't see any menu for the built-in PDF reader, hence, don't know how this command is called in Zotero. Yes, I want this, I guess. Very conveniently for me, [fn + arrow] trigger…
Sorry about the title — I've changed this one and will remember to create specific titles for each post in the future. Sorry. I seem to be able to override such commands for other apps on mac via System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -&…
I see. Thank you very much for your explanation!
I am referring to child notes. Now, I open Doc 1 and its child Note 1 in Tab 1; I open Doc 2 in Tab 2; and I see child Note 1 in both tabs. If I open Doc 1 and its child Note 1 in Tab 1 and Doc 2 and its child Note 2 in Tab 2, Note 2 is what I see…
@dstillman, what I had in mind is what @claude70 suggested, but I also understand the obstacle it could create for those who want to get quotations as plain text. @dstillman, I understand your idea about the standard workflow. This type of results …