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- nhan000
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Oh, I meant I'd like to choose different themes based on whether it's EPUB or snapshot, and I thought that the built-in themes and custom theme uses different mechanisms, as said in the announcement post that PDF uses doq and snapshots uses Dark Rea…
Is there a go-to place to import podcast episodes?
@mdugganmrcvs You can leave an upvote here https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-report-customizer/issues/88 so Emiliano knows there're people who want his plugin to be updated. In the meanwhile, a comment in that thread https://github.com/retorquer…
Can Zotero use the citekey generated by the plugin Better Bibtex for file renaming, as the wild card %b in Zotfile renaming rules?
Is this not a valid issue? The inability to visually separate 2 highlights that're right next to each other makes the dark mode for EPUB unusable for me.
I hope this feature would be implemented soon. It's quite tedious to navigate any books with a nested outline.
File sent. Thanks!
I'm having the same issue with Zotero 7.0.0-beta.76+91054acfe (64-bit), Windows 11. Zoom in/out increase/decrease the line spacing but doesn't increase the font size. Only happen with an EPUB file but not other ones.
Could you have a second look at this issue? I just found out that in the highlight mode in EPUB, the text selection is done correctly. In the video below, the first part shows the trailing space included, and the latter part shows that in the highl…
1) Yes. 2) https://youtu.be/B7Lv6QaE078. Let me know if it's still not clear. Thanks for the quick response!
The PDF readers of Obsidian and Remnote have dark mode that don't invert images https://mastodon.social/@nhan/110612516483606286. Unfortunately, neither of them is open-source. Interestingly, they implemented this feature in less than 1.5 months apa…
Thanks @topps for your insights. For those who still really needs Zotero 6 plugins, you can refer to this guide https://www.jdavidstark.com/how-to-configure-zotero-6-and-zotero-7-side-by-side/ (I'm not the author).
Thanks tim820, I've made a Github issue here https://github.com/MuiseDestiny/zotero-attanger/issues/45 about the ability of Attanger to use citekeys generated by Better Bibtex.
So, currently there're 3 Zotfile-like plugins for Zotero 7: Wandering File (0.2.8 - retired), Zotero Attanger, and Zotmoov. Apparently (I have downloaded and tested them) only Wandering File support renaming linked files using the citekeys generated…
Thanks for making this issue. I couldn't find it either and remember it was in the Settings. All's good now.
Still not fixed in 7.0.0-beta.54+6b996d4f9 (64-bit). Please let me know if my YouTube video above didn't help clarify the problem. It's a minor feature but it's really helpful. It existed in Zotero 6 so I hope it would be carried over to Zotero 7 to…
Thanks a lot for letting me know. I can confirm that it's been fixed in the latest beta.
Sorry it wasn't clear. I made a screen recording here. It should be much clearer what I meant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDs9U5JiPL4. At the end of the video (0:54), I also made a feature request for a slight enhancement to have the highlight …
Alt-Left/Alt-Right now go back/forward but mouse navigation buttons still don't work. Please consider supporting using mouse buttons to go back/forward. Thank you!
In 7.0.0-beta.52+2f8e536f2 (64-bit), clicking the link from 3rd party app does bring to the location of the highlight (this is an improvement because previously it only bring user to the page that has the highlight), but it still doesn't have the co…
I believe Zotero 6 stable version will be automatically updated to Zotero 7 official release (or at least it will notify you that there's a new update) when it comes out of beta. My Zotero 5 was automatically updated to Zotero 6 when it came out.
Glad we cleared things up with the PDF issue. Is there a plan to support opening EPUB/snapshot file at specific position as with PDF? If yes, will the links generated now for opening EPUB/snapshot file at specific position work when the feature is …
New update in this thread: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/448507/#Comment_448507
@martynas_b To reproduce: Windows 11, 7.0.0-beta.51+7c5600913 (64-bit) For PDF: - Open a PDF file in Zotero and make a few highlights. - Drag and drop these highlights into Word or a markdown app. - Click the (pdf) link from this app. - See that i…
It's part of the issue I reported here https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/107371/zotero-7-clicking-links-of-epub-and-html-annotation-doesnt-bring-me-to-the-highlight-location and it's still not fixed yet in the latest beta (7.0.0-beta.48+0cab24fb8…
Google Podcasts will go away next year https://support.google.com/youtubemusic/thread/236590252.
Just sent an email with that EPUB. You're right. I opened other EPUBs that I have, and the monospace font was displayed correctly.
It's still not yet fixed in the latest (7.0.0-beta.42+2db19ad4c) version.
Thanks. I was scratching my head out too and was about to file a bug report.
I saw the latest announcement. Great news for me! Many thanks to Zotero team! Is there a way to preserve the plugin state between Zotero 6 and 7? When I switch back to Zotero 6 I have to enable the plugins one by one, because they're not compatible…