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I hope there is a fix for this in the works. Possible solutions might involve any of the following tweaks to the interface: 1) allow the user to move the search box's popup window around on the screen, so that they can decide what part of the text …
this is amazing! Thanks @dominic-d. I've only been using it a few minutes so far, but everything seems to be working flawlessly. It would be cool if this new "Annotations" field was available as a search parameter in Advanced Search and usable when…
Re: {{ attachmentTitle }} – great news to hear it's still on the table! That all sounds good to me. Re: Botched titles when saving multiple entries from Project MUSE - here's an example When I …
@dstillman Multi-part publications saved from the web will have appropriate titles. This is true, and it works correctly with Project MUSE in my tests. The problem is that even though the titles are named correctly, the filenames end up failing. I …
For the last couple days/last couple minor beta updates, I've noticed a change in the way Rename File from Parent Metadata works. In previous versions, it would automatically change both the filename and title, assuming the user had not manually ent…
It is possible to tag attachments with something like "preprint" or "published version". @migugg I use the attachment titles exactly the way you are describing — I use attachment titles as tags, ie. if I have both the preprint document and published…
Since when does Zotero support RegEx search?? Am I missing something or is it now possible to search with RegEx in Zotero??
@aborel that's generally good advice. But in this particular case, I need to export a document for my thesis committee ASAP, but the latest beta version has broken compatibility with the Better BibTeX for Zotero plugin, and the dev of that plugin ha…
I'm wondering the same thing.
I'm missing the TOC extraction feature in Z7. It was great for getting a bit more granular look at the contents of a book at a glance, just by seeing the section heading titles. At the moment I'm trying to track down the reference for a chapter I …
@tim820, what sort of modification would be needed to change your scripts so that instead of operating on everything in Zotero storage, it only operates on items in the selected collection?
@Zhiyuan%20Yao, could you share the corrected script you put together? I'm newish to Javascript and new to using it in Zotero, too.
@DonnaCoxBaker It seems like this script is for copying item links, not item fields. So it has a totally different use. AFAIK it can't be used to copy/paste author names or other metadata. Or am i misunderstanding?
@hughp3 this is built into Zotero 7. No need for an extension.
Copy item fields is there @DonnaCoxBaker are you sure that Actions & Tags has a script roughly equivalent to Zutilo's Copy item fields (and Paste item fields)? I can't find it.
@dstillman here's an actual use case for using search to match an item by filename. Using the browser extension to import many chapters in the same book from is a tedious process (at least the way I do it, which I believe is the leas…
@adamsmith absolutely attachment titles are useful! But they're only useful within the Zotero app interface. When working with attachment files from Zotero in other applications, the fact that (afaik) there's no {{ attachmentTitle }} variable (as pr…
@adamsmith, regarding your suggestion that displaying the _filename_ instead of the attachment title in scenario 1. --- here's a use-case that complicates things: Using the browser extension to import a book from ProjectMUSE adds unique child attach…
@martynas_b Assuming I'm understanding what you mean by OCR, I'm observing something very different. For instance, when I use the PDF viewer app Podofyllin to analyze the embedded text of the PDF files I sent you, then copy the problematic lines to …
@ajb59 when the advanced search window opens up, the first drop-down menu item tells the user that they're searching in their whole library (My Library). It seems pretty clear to me.
@ptujec You can tag a bunch of files right in the Finder. Just select the files and press option + cmd + i. You're right about that. The trouble is selecting the files in Finder in the first place. If I've got a Zotero collection containing dozens o…
@ptujec I'm an Alfred user, not a LaunchBar user, but the scripts you've posted are making me consider switching. Do you know of an existing way (using Alfred/LaunchBar/AppleScript/debug-bridge/etc.) of batch-adding macOS tags to a bunch of attachme…
+1. I wonder if implementing this feature is any more feasible now with the new beta design.
I'm also noticing strange behavior with page numbers. I haven't figured out why, but sometimes the same EPUB file in zotero will show page numbers at the top of the window (in the same way that zotero's UI indicated page numbers in PDF files), and t…
@martynas_b 1) yes I am gracefully quitting Zotero (assuming this means quitting it the normal way all macOS applications are quit - by hitting ⌘Q). 2) yes the issue persists with all plugins disabled. I've submitted new debug log reports with all …
YES. This isn't the first time the line break issue has been reported – see here +1 to both of your improvement requests.
In Zotero 6, you can use the Zutilo extension to achieve this. Otherwise there's a roundabout way to do it. Create an annotation, drag it into a text editor, and voila. It will create a zotero://open-pdf/ link in the text editor. You just have to de…
Copy select item links Copy item fields Paste into empty item field Paste non-empty item field
Any updates on the fix? Using the latest Zotero beta I'm still having this issue where books are imported as book sections from the browser connector. On a related note, I would love if the translator for De Gruyter could import individual chapter …