



  • @imacinnes Jan 1st 2009, Might be worth checking out the following thread: as it seemed to answer the 'Tag...too long' problem for me.
  • Thanks Rintze That works properly in Word now. It takes some messing as one has to ensure that one points to the correct variables. The simplest way seems to be just to edit it using notepad++, adding in the text you mention above and edit…
  • Having created a custom style using the simple style generator (, I am having problems with bibliography sorting in MS Word. Zotero sorts the bibliography by place of reference rather than alphabetically. Is there a…
  • OK. Having just written all of that, I tried saving the csl file locally, then re-opening it, which THEN saved it to zotero. I guess just opening it directly from the generator is not enough (i.e. opening the file in a new tab). Thanks.
  • Hi Rintze - Thanks for the response. I'd read through that already, and it seems to indicate that just by opening the file, Zotero will incorporate it locally. My generated style works well in the reference test pane, creating exactly wha…
  • The style generator has worked really well, but for some reason when I open the .csl file, Zotero does not recognise it. Is there some basic guide to this process for those (such as myself) who aren't familiar with .csl or even xml? I get…