Word plugin Bibliography sorting

Different styles sort their Bibliography in different ways. The Harvard Reference Format 1 sorts by Author, and the IEEE style sorts by occurunce (first reference receives Number 1).

Currently I'm writing an article which requires a numbered reference style (IEEE), but the bibliography should be sorted by author. I managed to create my own IEEE-style which does just that, but since those are the 2 most common sorts maybe that should be an option in Word (and Open Office)? To be able to sort the bibliography on occurence and Author.
  • I second this request - I have the same issue with a paper that requires IEEE style but alphabetic sorting of authors.

    marktm: Could you share the steps you took to create your custom style?
  • Having created a custom style using the simple style generator (http://www.somwhere.org/csl/), I am having problems with bibliography sorting in MS Word.

    Zotero sorts the bibliography by place of reference rather than alphabetically. Is there a way to alter this? I am unable to see an option for that either in the citation manager plugin or in the style generator.

    Anyone have any idea? Perhaps I'm missing something really simple...
  • edited December 22, 2008
    You probably will have to edit the CSL style by hand to fix this. You can check the APA style to see how you can force the style to sort alphabetically:

    in the bibliography-element, the following code specifies the way references are sorted in, you guessed it, the bibliography
    <key macro="author"/>
    <key variable="issued"/>

    Some info on how to edit styles by hand:
  • Thanks Rintze

    That works properly in Word now. It takes some messing as one has to ensure that one points to the correct variables.

    The simplest way seems to be just to edit it using notepad++, adding in the text you mention above and editing it slightly to fit the local variables.

    Again, thanks.
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