



  • Same problem. Initially thought it might be a general problem, but I can still import refs from other journal sites. This is certainly odd to say the least.
  • Don't know if this ever got solved, but I had the same issue and just found the solution. It seems Word will sometimes disable plugins, and then you have to enable them. Click on the Magic Word Button (what is that thing called anyways?) that n…
  • Thank you for the link. I would think this information should be on the main webpage for developing CSL, with of course a very strong warning to use types as little as possible. I am trying to make my CSL rely on types as much as possible, but …
  • Thank you for submitting it. You have a valid point on the the author macro, that should probably be modified, and feel free to do so. "label" element? Hadn't come across that one yet, I will have to look into it (have any examples handy?). I …