



  • Given that it only affects article-journal, article-magazine, and article-newspaper could it be the consequence of another part of your code which tests for these item types? I don't think there is anything wrong with code you posted above in i…
  • Why not categorise it as a 'document'? Wouldn't that solve your problems? The institution could be entered as the author or alternatively the institution could be entered as the publisher then the publisher could be used to substitute for the a…
  • I don't have the time to do a translator for that website for you, but I can see from the code that it contains all the metadata required for a scraper. Also you can find the pdfs for the articles on that site by deleting the '.html' and then…
  • It's not the pdf format; there is no direct link to the pdf from that page. The website requires a translator for Zotero. http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/creating_translators_for_sites
  • Just right click on the name of the collection on the left-hand pane and select 'remove collection'. All your items will remain in 'My library'. A collection is similar to a tag; removing it doesn't remove the items it includes.
  • I'm no expert, but I suppose one option would be to include user-type1, user-type2 etc. which could then be used for people's personal needs and citation styles. In reality you can do this at the moment, by taking any item-type you are sure you…
  • This is not what you ask for and apologies if you already know, but it may be worth mentioning that if you press control while an item in the Zotero pane is selected the collections to which it belongs are highlighted.
  • While it might be possible to add a new computer game item type to the Zotero interface, this wouldn't make any difference to how references were formatted unless a new item-type were also added to CSL, which is developed outside of Zotero. I…
  • Also see here: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/11218/mla-magaizne-bibliography-error/
  • Currently, there is no format specifically catering for magazine articles (or newspaper articles) in the MLA CSL so it falls to the default option which is just to add the page numbers at the end of the date. This can be changed very easily, but it…
  • Where are you trying to make this bibliography? In MS Word or Open Office? Does it only occur in the word processor or does it also happen in the Zotero reference test pane? chrome://zotero/content/tools/csledit.xul The suffix in this seems red…
  • James - do you have Word? Have you tried this in Word? Yes, and line breaks in citations work without problem for me using Zotero 2.0 and MS Word. I also know that line breaks in bibliographies worked fine in Zotero 1.0 and MS Word because I wrote …
  • the spaces need to be there so he can display the xml code in the forum I realised that when I tried to post them myself...and quickly edited my comment!
  • Like adamsmith I'm not sure why this didn't work for you before. For me, both the xml code and suffix=" " work without a problem. Have you tried debugging your style to check it's not got other problems which are stopping your citatio…
  • Thanks, I did know that. I'm just trying to tidy up the only remaining weaknesses I'm aware of in the JRAI style, which is that the edition is always given in ordinal text, e.g. "Second edition" rather than the ordinal number, e.g. "2nd edition…
  • I was going to help you make a start, but I think you're mistaken in your observation of the differences between the two styles. This is from the linked pdf and it seems editions of books are not given in Roman numerals: Sebrell WH Jr & Ha…
  • You can edit any style removing or changing the layout suffix in the last line below: − However, if it you only sometimes don't want the point you can edit any citation using the edit citation option in the MS Word and Open Office plug-ins.
  • Thank you for letting me know. As I'm not very familiar with this type of thing, I always assume that I've done something wrong - usually with good reason!
  • I wasn't very satisfied with the recent update with the style, which was something of a patch job, so I've done a major rewrite of the JRAI style. This has benefited from the improved documentation on CSL that is now available and so I have been ab…
  • Many thanks for sorting that out for me.
  • Lucas, thanks for mentioning the sorting of multiple citations. I hadn't spotted that until now. I had a look at it seems the JRAI usually sorts alphabetically and then chronologically, so I've modified the style and uploaded it. You will now als…
  • I submitted a new version of the JRAI style to the repository today. The changes include: 1) Web addresses in the bibliography are now given in the following format: SURNAME, F. 2008. Title. Other details. (Available on-line: www.internet.com, ac…
  • Perhaps this is a coincidence then... * sean * CommentTimeApr 22nd 2009 N.B. "et coll." sera "et al." dans la prochaine bêta du Zotero, dont la sortie est prévue le 1er mai.
  • I've been using it to write my PhD thesis on Word 2003 and Word 2007 with no serious problems. Two minor issues are, firstly, the Word plug-in can't deal with small-caps, which disappear if you try to edit a field, and secondly, any accents in yo…
  • Frank & Bruce It's great that you are working on these exceptions. I never meant to imply it was a simple issue to solve; I just wanted to raise the issue and demonstrate why there are potential problems with putting articles either in the sur…
  • There is a similar situation with surnames that begin with van, von, dos, de, d' etc. Typically these should be included in the bibliography, but not used for sorting alphabetically and not initialised as first names might be. Obviously, the biblio…
  • Revised version is now in the repository. I'm also starting a new thread for any subsequent discussion of this style.
  • I've corrected the way the bibliography sorts. Thanks to Rintze, the style should now verify and if there are abbreviated titles for journals they should display. The revised version can be downloaded from the same place: http://www.box.net/share…
  • I have made changes to correct for 1, 2 and 3 above. I'm not sure how to deal with 4 as I've never dealt with short titles before. I don't think it's possible to do anything about 5 except edit it in the document itself. The new style can be down…
  • Matthew, I've just had a look and there are more problems with this style: 1) Page numbers should be included in citations 2) In the bibliography, references shouldn't be numbered but listed by author surname 3) In the bibliography, page numbers sh…