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Ok, it works on Zen too. It could be just a bad WiFi network/connection.
Thanks! In firefox, it works
Mmm, I wrote the issue thinking web library displayed pdf's with the zotero reader, but I deduce from your comment that it is displayed with the browser pdf reader. I am using the Zen browser with the Windows default theme, dark.
+1 I need this too.
@martynas_b "the optimal expansion" may be a bit subjective, but it would be better than nothing. Thanks!
@dstillman I would just use the upper/Pascal camel case
@martynas_b Mainly, because one level of expansion could not be enough. I agree that for a book with many levels it can be tedious, but depending on the document it can be better just one level, or 2 or 3. Actually, rethinking, my suggestion would …
Ok, correction: Each PDF file has its own properties for each outline item, determining whether it’s expanded or collapsed. This is how it worked in Zotero 6 and other viewers. Zotero 7 aims to normalize this behavior. @martynas_b Could this (Zotero…
BTW, same discussion for other open-source pdf viewers such as Sumatra (https://github.com/sumatrapdfreader/sumatrapdf/discussions/3432), emacs pdf-tools (https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/1cf5lrh/pdf_tools_night_mode_not_inverting_image/) or…
Dear @dstillman, Why don't you answer to other comments on this same issue such as https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/474847/#Comment_474847 (here in this discussion) or https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/477848/#Comment_477848,…
Related: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/110980/feature-suggestion-latex-annotations
Further, I see now Zotfile was using a Zotero function to remove diacritis (here), Zotero.Utilities.removeDiacritics. Then, if the function is already defined, why do not adding it with an option (maybe through Customizing the Filename Format) to us…
+1 to @maia-sh and @tim820 comments
BTW, I noticed that some time ago, @dstillman said "In any case, as we've said repeatedly, we plan to offer an option to show the filename instead of the attachment title for people who prefer that. " I am wondering if such an option is planned or…
@tnajdek I see. Thanks for the help! (and please, consider a feature request adding support for specifying more than one replacement for a value or adding more case='' options)
@tnajdek Then {{ title truncate="80" replaceFrom="(\.|:|\?)(.*?)$" prefix="-" case="snake" }} {{ title replaceFrom="\s+" replaceTo="_" regexOpts="g" }} wouldn't work (as in the code you suggests there are multiple lines for authors)?
@tnajdek @AbeJellinek I see that specifying `case = "snake"` also makes all to be lower case. Instead, could I do replaceFrom="\s+" replaceTo="_" regexOpts="g"? https://github.com/zotero/zotero/blob/b1b06cedde9fe09fea1e95162c51ef27b45a8e2d/chrome…
Thanks @tnajdek It only lacks replacing blanks with, for example, no character or "_" (in particular I would use {{authors join="_and_"}}). How should I proceed to get this?
Please, add more examples in documentation for attached files renaming. In particular, if possible, examples equivalent to possible configurations of Zotfile renaming for Zotero6
Update: New post by LibreOffice development team: https://fosstodon.org/@libreoffice/112689060420027768 Did you know that you can embed #LibreOffice into your applications? Find out more on our dev blog: https://dev.blog.documentfoundation.org/20…
@erazlogo it is told in the linked discussion https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/114519/zotero-7-beta-title-field-2nd-one-is-pushing-against-creator-field-and-tabbing-skips-creator that it has been solved in beta 80. Have you tested? Sorry, I see…
@aborel Well, there is not a strong disagreement, your arguments are very reasonable. ;) Thanks for the feedback.
@aborel at this point we may ask what to do first? Modifying translators for detecting the chapter number when there is no a Chapter (number) field, or adding a Chapter number field which would not be filled by any translator initially. Of course, …
@aborel Indeed. There are various options. Sometimes, the chapter name starts with 'Chapter x' or directly with a number, and then, separated with a dot or dash or colon, of the actual name. In that case, translators should split the title, so the …
For when a Chapter/Chapter number field for the Book section item type? It is weird that sometimes the translator gets the item title starting by Chapter x ...
@dstillman I've just seen that this key is not synced, but present only in one of the synced computers.
> Note that making manual changes to your database is completely unsupported, and if you do so you won't receive help here for any related or even potentially related problems. It is because of this that I ask for the procedure I should follo…
For my surprise I see that the other computer synced to Zotero the same itemID number corresponds to a different item. Can someone help on this? Thanks!
I always have to do something like your step 1 (in Debian too). I believe (after some test I did at some point) that "$(dirname $(realpath $(echo %k | sed -e 's/^file:\/\///')))/zotero -url %U" does not build the right address for the zotero executa…
@fundor7 There is already that option through View > Split Horizontally/Vertically