



  • I'd second what bdarcus said... I generally use them for projects and papers... my dissertation has a collection, as do specific papers I'm working on... it's nice to see things all in one place like that and have easy access to the reporting and no…
  • OK... last one... So I did go ahead and re-install 3.6... Now things are working... if it's relevant, I simply allowed firefox to update from 3.5 to 3.6 as an automatically detected update. I'm running XP pro. 32bit. It looks like whatever happened…
  • Hello again, Sorry for the third post here... I just noticed that my other computer (which is still syncing) has the expiration date set to February 5th, 2009. In both cases I am being told I'm running 3.6... Was there something that made 3.6 not …
  • Hello, I was looking through the source code... line 561 of sync.js starts the block: var expiry = new Date("January 1, 2009 00:00:00"); if (new Date() > expiry) { Components.utils.reportError("Build has expired -- syncing disabled"); …
  • Anybody ever figure this out... I think I'm getting the same issue... Mike
  • Hey - this looks pretty sweet. Even just having to move the abstract from those extra fields is itself worth the patch. I was having some trouble copying it in though... am I missing something? There are a lot of plus and minus signs at the start o…
  • That's pretty cool... I'll check it out... Yeah - I admittedly don't know much about mozilla development, but it seems pretty easy to port extensions between the applications... It would be cool to see that become a more standard part of zotero. Mi…
  • Hello, I apologize... my bad... I saw this... and thought that it was actually for thunderbird. It says lower down on the page that it works only with firefox. Mike
  • Hello, Thanks for the response... Fair enough... It sounds like there are a few future plans with zotero involving file sync that aren't fully in place yet. For now, I think that if a person does have an outside sync program, it might be sensible…
  • micha... did you ever figure this out? My BibTex export works, but my girlfriend's doesn't... and I can't figure out why. Here's the sequence... Export the file from zotero - WON'T COMPILE Export the file from zotero, open with JabRef, make no cha…
  • Hi Dan, Sorry for the delay... I am running Sync Preview 3.3 on Firefox 3.04 on a Vista box... though I think it does the same thing on my XP laptop. I click on an existing item and then click into any field to edit the data... then make a change…
  • ahh... that's embarrassing... didn't even see it... That's pretty cool. Thanks.
  • Hello, Sorry for the delay here... I think I tracked down the issue somewhat... Where I actually ran into trouble was on the girlfriend's computer. I am not sure how this was happening, but it looks like the exported file had some weird line breaks…
  • Hello, You're exactly right that one big issue was in the JSTOR translator... but it's beyond that. I was having general issues with latex compiling because of what I assume are the notes. The reason I figured this was the cause was that I would c…
  • Right click doesn't do anything for me... is it supposed to? Edit in separate window is working on mine. Mike
  • Hello, Yes - EndNote, in my mind, is really a different beast. EndNote is designed for a focus only on the bibliography itself. EndNote simply removes an annoying task for the researcher; conversely, Zotero enables the researcher. Consider that…
  • Thanks Dan - I never noticed the version there... I had always been going to the plugins list. Glad to see that. Mike
  • I've had good luck with it... I'd say just be smart about it... 1. Start using it on a copy of your zotero folder, not your original. 2. Export the data as an rdf every now and then... 3. Export in something else common rarely - maybe bibt…
  • Hello, In Foldershare, you can setup multiple computers to synchronize specific folders. I wouldn't use Foldershare to synchronize your whole zotero folder because of a variety of write conflict issues that come up when you try to synchronize d…
  • Hello, I actually use Foldershare - it's a free service from Microsoft as part of Live... I just set Foldershare to sync the storage folder outside of Zotero - so Zotero doesn't know anything about a sync. Then I jus…
  • Cool... thanks for the heads up... it definitely looks like a cool feature... I can see what you mean with the issues though - but great start. Mike
  • Hi Sean... Thanks... Maybe this is a dumb question - but is this in the current release (3.1)? I didn't see a tag cloud. Mike
  • Hello, One quick and minor thing relating to the keyboard shortcuts... it would be handy if tab/shift-tab did indent and outdent... That certainly makes outlining on the fly a lot easier. I'm not sure how much control you have over this stuff w…
  • Couldn't agree more... this is fantastic... Great job!
  • I found out about Zotero because of the lawsuit and I couldn't be happier... Thanks Thompson!
  • man... now that's fantastic... you guys are awesome. Mike
  • Cool... Thanks for the heads up... Sorry for the mispost.
  • Hello, Good to hear - so it sounds like HTML will be supported down the road... That's great because I have a bunch of existing notes in HTML. Any idea when that would show up in a release? Thanks, Mike