



  • So this is my current solution. In the macro I have not touched the first statement. That should as I read it do its thing as long as there is a date to work with. Failing a date then it checks if there is any other publisher information, if it fin…
  • What I really need is another conditional right before this else statement. That conditional would check to see if either the location or publisher field was not blank. If either field contains data and then calling the "no date" term is appropriat…
  • Like I said, probably the completionist in me. Kind of like when there is a cricket in your closet and it's driving you nuts until you find it and silence it. It just frustrates me when I cannot wrap my head around something that I should be able to…
  • @dstillman I guess you lost me. I can see the term you referencing but it appears that the term is in the form you referenced that it has to be renamed to "sub-verbo" or am I just missing something. Anyway since its does not appear to be a major is…
  • This is the macro that is causing the error to occur: The macro itself does not appear in SBL1 and since appears to be related to notes I doubt it …
  • @dstillman Just out of curiosity is there a single-line comment system that is acceptable in CSL. I could not find one in the documentation just the Which works for a multiline comment if there isn't another comment embedded in the code.
  • Not sure of a Debug ID as I get this error but the option to continue. I based my personal style on this style and when I validate my personal style with the validator it says its ok, but Zotero complains about it too. When I commented out the macro…
  • "" is not a valid CSL 1.0.1 style file, and may not work properly with Zotero.
  • @dstillman So I am able to import SBL Version 1 with no issues however version 2 gives me the error. Both validate as good, but Zotero complains about 2 and not about 1. I have narrowed the complaint down to the macro section and basically commented…
  • This is the section that I think is responsible for the behavior, just not sure what to do to change it. When I look at other style sheets that don't do the behavior I cannot find anything similar to this. So if I comment …
  • @dstark As a side note (Not Zotero related) the SBL2 guidance on using primary sources is confusing. At one point they recommend using parenthetical citations similar to how one handles biblical text. Then in the example, I show above in section 6.4…
  • @dstark I am looking at Section 6.4.5 ANF and NPNF, First and Second Series of SBL2 and it gives this example: 14. The Clementine Homilies 1.3 (ANF 8:223). Mine come out looking like this: Origen, Commentarii in Evangelium Joannis, n.d., 6.36 (…
  • @dstark @adamsmith I have to agree, I see both interpretations of the instruction.
  • Abe your right, but I am not completely sure if this is applicable in all situations where do date is given. The full section is quoted below. I am not sure who to contact to change the actual published style sheet if this is the case. Date…