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Same endless loop
There is also an official Endnote Style for the University of Manchester - I don't know if anyone here has an easy way to convert that to a Zotero style? https://subjects.library.manchester.ac.uk/referencing-new/endnote
It would be great to get a definitive style for the University of Manchester as it is one of the largest in the UK (3rd largest in 2022/2023 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_the_United_Kingdom_by_enrolment) None of the existing…
Hi - here is the University of Manchester Harvard Style guide: https://subjects.library.manchester.ac.uk/referencing-new/harvardlist#s-lg-box-wrapper-19285721
I don't draw so much with a mouse/trackpad but I have only noticed it with the pen.
I am also hoping for pen/inking undo
The lag seems to vary but the lack of an accessible eraser is still a big issue.
Hi again, a) Chrome version 115.0.5790.111 (64bit) b) 1st 3 boxes ticked c) I tried saving that article in a different folder and it worked fine so I can't debug it as it works now.
You are correct, I don't want the proxy in the field. Here is one bibliography entry: Ford, M. (2021) ‘Ovid: Nurses speak out on experiencing sexual harassment.’ Nursing Times 117(6), pp. 8–9. Available at: https://ovidsp-dc1-ovid-com.manchester.i…
Should I , as an example when saving an article on PubMed, right click the connector and save as doi instead of save as PubMed - that seems to give me an unproxied URL although it is at the original journal rather than at PubMed
That is really cool - it sorts it in the in-text citation as well. In the end, with this series, I found there was an index type document called IEC 61508-0 which listed the standards 1 through 7 so I just cited that in the end with the series name.…
+1 Surface user
+1 for me
The guidelines are here: https://subjects.library.manchester.ac.uk/referencing/referencing-harvard I can't see anything in my style that adds (dir) so I think that must be in Zotero's rendering. I am using University of Manchester Harvard from the…
Thanks - good to know
I think I have answered my question. I wasn't aware that I had the Zotero connector installed in Edge.
Yes, I have used a surface for years and I'm really missing the inking that is available on the iPad.
Re: It is correct typesetting to alternate between single and double quotation marks when they are nested. This citation style wraps the whole title in single quotation marks. When it does so, then the quotes around the first part of the title are i…
Oops - don't know how to post code.
Sorted - added this under locales: ‘ ’
I think I might need to do a translation in locales
There's nothing on Zotero at the documentation URL given in the style code
I have looked at the document preferences and the language drop down is greyed out although it says English (UK)
It is University of South Wales - Harvard. I'd be interested to know what line that is set on.
Thnk you, that is good to know. I can always de-tag and adjust those line breaks to suit before submission.
I see, but the longer URLs break anyway. This is an example: the first, third and fourth highlighted ones all break inside the URL https://1drv.ms/i/s!AqBIpth3TNeNgrBjyLNIItxSmP2qOA?e=a1jYWX
Tap and hold just isn't working for me. I have tried the icon at the top and the inking icon on the left-hand toolbar. Nothing happens. Any ideas? Edit - duh - under the colours!
It worked then?
Some context - I was watching a lengthy Youtube video and summarising it in the notes, and it would have been easier to stay in the same window as I was stopping and starting the video a lot.
Plus one for this - maybe merge my comments from my other thread re the upcoming Chrome notes (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/103766/feature-request-notes-inside-chrome) It could make the connector unwieldly but could it not be turned on or o…